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Transporting the vaccines and maintaining the cold chain are a particular challenge. Here, a DHL employee prepares the temporary storage at minus 70 degrees Celsius in special freezers.
Transporting the vaccines and maintaining the cold chain are a particular challenge. Here, a DHL employee prepares the temporary storage at minus 70 degrees Celsius in special freezers.

Pressemitteilung -

What about the global distribution of vaccines? Deutsche Post DHL Group media invitation

The fight against the pandemic is global and would not stand a chance without vaccine. If enough vaccine reaches everywhere in the world, COVID-19 can be defeated. The development of safe and effective vaccines in record time alone is a remarkable achievement of science. Transport of vaccines is also a critical factor. 95 per cent of COVID-19 vaccines are produced in only eight countries, but distributed to 220 countries and regions around the world.

Text, photo and video material free for editorial use - here

Deutsche Post DHL Group invites you to a media briefing and presents impressive figures on global pandemic management. The new DHL white paper "Revisiting Pandemic Resilience", for example, lists the transport of 200 million vaccine doses worldwide in the first four months of the year alone. What else has been achieved in the race against COVID-19? What has been learned?

In the digital media briefing, Katja Busch, Chief Commercial Officer DHL and Head of DHL Customer Solutions & Innovation, will present the results together with Thomas Ellmann, Vice President Life Sciences & Healthcare EMEA, DHL Customer Solutions & Innovation.

We will also provide the DHL white paper, photo and video material on the logistics of the vaccine free of charge for editorial use.

Please use the following link to join the digital media briefing:

Tuesday, 18 May 2021 from 11:00 to 12:00 (CEST).


Technical notes: - Preferred browser for the livestream: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox - Please use the Q&A tool below the video window to ask your questions during the livestream. The Q&A tool will be open from the start of the media briefing.

Text, photo and film material can be found - with DEADLINE Tuesday, 18 May 2021, 09:00 (CEST) - below and at this link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApKyqHYU7IqG3W9gjtPI6hpap_XF?e=UjNzLT

Please contact us with your questions. You can reach Sabine Hartmann by email: sa.hartmann@dpdhl.com or by phone: +49 (0) 228 182 9915. We look forward to welcoming you to our digital media briefing.

Agency contact:

Olaf Fidora
infokontor GmbH - Agency for Video Publishing
Bodinusstraße 1
50735 Cologne
T +49 221 7520250
E of@infokontor.de



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