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New company IDs are designed to make international business  more secure
New company IDs are designed to make international business more secure

Pressemitteilung -

Cyber Security & Business

When Munich Security Conference (MSC) kicks off on 14 February 2020, this means again: International top diplomacy comes together to look on worlds trouble spots. One of these lies in the world of data. Our environment, especially the global trading system, is data driven and interconnected. This makes systems ready for the future. But at the same time they are vulnerable and manipulable. 

These perspectives can be experienced with two current examples:

  • The "Innovation Night" at the MSC 2020, dealing with challenges and differences in IT on international levels
  • New digital services like Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). This alphanumeric code can be compared to an „international passport for companies”

Free for use in your editorials:

  • Animation „What is LEI?“, 4minutes
  • Corporate film GLEIF (inkl. Interview with CEO Stephan Wolf), 4 minutes
  • Infotext “Cyber Security & Business”
  • Foto Motifs
  • Graphics

For the material go to: DOWNLOAD

IMPORTANT: Interviews, studio and background discussions are possible! Please do not hesitate to contact us to make an appointment.

Press Contact:
Olaf Fidora
Project Manager
INFOkontor GmbH
Bodinusstrasse 1
D-50735 Cologne
phone: +49 (221) 752 02 50
email: of@infokontor.de
homepage: www.infokontor.de



Feel free to download and use!

infokontor was founded in Cologne in the year 2000 as the first content agency in Germany by the former TV journalist Wilfried Grosse-Berg. Ever since we develop, produce, distribute and monitor contents with high range. This applies to all relevant channels like TV, radio and online.

infokontor – this is highly experienced journalists, filmmakers, digital media designers, producers and data scientists. We make use of worldwide contacts to all relevant media channels and editorial departments. Alongside the core team we have a broad network of creative service providers available: such as freelance camera teams, authors, editors, bloggers and influencers. Like this we can produce globally, fast and professionally.

agency for video publishing

We develop, produce and distribute videos and other content, free for editorial use.

infokontor GmbH
infokontor GmbH

Bodinusstr. 1
50735 Cologne

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