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Imagimob förvärvas av Infineon som förstärker sitt erbjudande inom AI

Imagimob förvärvas av Infineon som förstärker sitt erbjudande inom AI

München, Tyskland och Stockholm, Sverige – 16 maj 2023 – Infineon Technologies AG (FSE: IFX / OTCQX: IFNNY) meddelade idag att man har förvärvat det svenska startup-bolaget Imagimob, ett ledande bolag inom artificiell intelligens (AI) för inbyggda system. Med Imagimob förstärker Infineon kraftigt sin position och sitt erbjudande inom AI.
Imagimob utvecklar och säljer Imagimob AI, en heltäckand

Imagimob and Syntiant to Accelerate Development of Production-ready tinyML Applications

Imagimob and Syntiant to Accelerate Development of Production-ready tinyML Applications

                  Joint Solution Demoed at tinyML EMEA Innovation Forum 2022
Stockholm and Irvine, Calif., October 10, 2022 – Imagimob, a leading provider of tinyML platforms, and Syntiant Corp, an end-to-end AI chip company for always-on edge AI applications, today announced a collaboration to integrate Imagimob’s tinyML platform with Syntiant’s ultra-low-power NDP120 Neural Decision Processo

Imagimob Announces tinyML for Fall Detection and Gesture Recognition Applications using Texas Instruments mmWave Radar Sensors

Imagimob Announces tinyML for Fall Detection and Gesture Recognition Applications using Texas Instruments mmWave Radar Sensors

Imagimob announces tinyML for two new applications based on mmWave radar sensors from Texas Instruments (TI). The fall detection algorithm uses a low-cost, low-power radar sensor placed on the wall in a room or an appliance. The gesture recognition application recognizes 6 different predefined gestures that can be used for human machine interface in automotive and industrial settings.

An edge AI/tinyML company

Imagimob is a fast-growing startup driving innovation at the forefront of Edge AI and tiny machine learning (tinyML), enabling the intelligent products of the future. Based in Stockholm, Sweden, the company has been serving global customers within the automotive, manufacturing, healthcare, and lifestyle industries since 2013. In 2020, Imagimob launched their SaaS Imagimob AI for swift and easy end-to-end development of Edge AI applications for devices with constrained resources, and the newly launched off-the-shelf applications/models can be implemented quickly and easily. Imagimob AI guides and empowers users throughout the entire development journey, resulting in game-changing productivity and faster time-to-market. Tirelessly dedicated to staying on top of the latest research, Imagimob is a market leader within AI and embedded technologies.

In May 2023, Imagimob was acquired by Infineon Technologies AG.

Learn more and sign up to use Imagimob AI at


Medborgarplatsen 3
118 26 Stockholm