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Categories: edgeai

Quantization of LSTM layers - a Technical White Paper

Quantization of LSTM layers - a Technical White Paper

This white paper explains what LSTM layers are, why they are important and what the technical solution in Imagimob AI looks like. In Imagimob AI, quantization of a pretrained model is done with the click of a button in a user-friendly graphical user interface, which generates C code without any floating-point operations, ready for deployment.

Imagimob tinyML platform supports quantization of LSTM and other TensorFlow layers

Imagimob tinyML platform supports quantization of LSTM and other TensorFlow layers

Imagimob today announced that its tinyML platform Imagimob AI supports quantization of so-called Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layers and a number of other TensorFlow layers. LSTM layers are well-suited to classify, process and make predictions based on time series data, and are therefore of great value when building tinyML applications.

The Future is Touchless: Radical Gesture Control Powered by Radar and tinyML

The Future is Touchless: Radical Gesture Control Powered by Radar and tinyML

As the pandemic has swept over the world, gesture control and touchless user interfaces have become a hot topic. Here, we’ll explore the different types of gesture control technologies and explain why we think radar technology powered by Edge AI stands out above the rest for certain use cases.

We used a modern tractor from German SDF-Group in the tinyML project

Using tinyML in Agritech

Imagimob has been part of an EU project, together with 55 companies and organisations throughout Europe, to investigate how Edge AI, aka tinyML and cloud services can support companies within connected agriculture; regarding both crop management and livestock.

An Edge AI software company

Imagimob is a company driving innovation in Edge AI, and enabling the intelligent products of the future. Founded in Stockholm, Sweden in 2013, the company serves global customers within the automotive, manufacturing, healthcare, and lifestyle industries.

Imagimob offers products under Infineon’s DEEPCRAFT™ brand. DEEPCRAFT™ Studio offers the easy end-to-end development of Edge AI applications for devices with constrained resources, enabling game-changing productivity and faster time-to-market. Our Graph UX interface makes it easier to create high-quality models, and provides model explainability by giving users the ability to zoom in and take a close look inside models throughout the development process. DEEPCRAFT™ Ready Models are production-ready models that let companies add Edge AI features into their products without spending the time or cost required to develop their own, and without any Machine Learning know-how.

In May 2023, Imagimob became part of Infineon Technologies AG. Learn more at


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111 57 Stockholm