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IFRA congratulates RIFM on the election of its new President

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IFRA congratulates RIFM on the election of its new President

The International Fragrance Association (IFRA) has congratulated the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials (RIFM) on the election of its new President. Dr Anne Marie Api will take over from Dr Jim Romine, who is retiring on 31 March 2023 after leading the organization for more than 7 years.

Dr Api is an accomplished and award-winning scientist who has worked at RIFM since 1984. She has served as Vice President since 2006 and will take the reins of the Institute from 1 April 2023. Dr Api has helped develop RIFM’s science and safety assessment program in support of the safe use of fragrance, including the creation of the RIFM database and the shaping of the Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) methodology.

“I am delighted to welcome Dr Api to her new role”, said Martina Bianchini, President of IFRA. “IFRA and RIFM look back at decades of successful collaboration and I am sure that under Anne Marie’s leadership, this partnership will be brought to new heights”.

RIFM’s science underpins the IFRA Standards, which govern the maximum concentrations of fragrance ingredients used in consumer products worldwide. The IFRA-RIFM relationship has grown out of 50 years of close partnership on the fragrance industry’s commitment to product safety and self-regulation.

“I look forward to continue to work with Dr Api”, added Ms Bianchini. “I congratulate her on her new position and am happy to offer IFRA’s support in fulfilling our organizations’ complementary aims over the coming years”.

Hans Holger Gliewe, IFRA Chairman added, “In the name of the IFRA Board and the entire IFRA team I would like to thank Jim for the excellent collaboration over the years and wish him very well in his upcoming and well-deserved retirement. We are all very pleased to welcome Anne Marie - the best possible candidate to succeed Jim in this vital leadership role”.




Charles de Lusignan

Charles de Lusignan

Press contact Global Communications Director General communications and media relations 0032484781176
Marta Varela

Marta Varela

Press contact Events and Communications Manager Events and Communications

Promoting the safe and sustainable use of fragrance

The International Fragrance Association, founded in 1973, represents the interests of the fragrance industry worldwide. IFRA's mission is to promote the safe and sustainable use of fragrance.

The International Fragrance Association - IFRA

Rue de la Croix d’Or 3
1204 Geneva