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EPAA grants to give support for alternatives to animal testing

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EPAA grants to give support for alternatives to animal testing

The European Partnership for Alternatives to Animal Testing (EPAA) - of which The International Fragrance Association is an industry partner - has published calls for submissions for 3Rs Student Grants and the 2019 Refinement Prize.

3Rs Student Grants

Every year, a number of high-profile international meetings bring together world-class scientists working on the development and acceptance of '3R' alternatives to animal testing (replacement, reduction or refinement).

Costs linked to participation may prevent students with promising work from attending these events, so EPAA partners such as IFRA proudly sponsor the 3Rs Student grants to facilitate participation in such events.

Find out more here.

Refinement Prize 2019

EPAA has also launched its call for submissions for the Refinement Prize 2019. This prize of €6,000 will be granted to a laboratory technician, animal caretaker or technologist who has demonstrated outstanding achievements in new, novel approaches to advance implementation and/or awareness raising of refinement of animal testing.

Find out more here.

IFRA is proud to be one of eight industry associations supporting EPAA. The partners are committed to pooling knowledge and resources to accelerate the development, validation and acceptance of alternative approaches to animal use in regulatory testing. The overall aim is the replacement, reduction and refinement (3Rs) of animal use in regulatory testing.

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Charles de Lusignan

Charles de Lusignan

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Promoting the safe and sustainable use of fragrance

The International Fragrance Association, founded in 1973, represents the interests of the fragrance industry worldwide. IFRA's mission is to promote the safe and sustainable use of fragrance.

The International Fragrance Association - IFRA

Rue de la Croix d’Or 3
1204 Geneva