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Warsaw, Poland - Location of the 2023 ICCO Global Summit
Warsaw, Poland - Location of the 2023 ICCO Global Summit

Press release -

ICCO Announces 2023 Global Summit to Take Place in Warsaw

The 2023 ICCO Global Summit will take place in Warsaw, Poland on 11th and 12th October. The announcement was made at the end of the 2022 Global Summit in Dubai.

Grzegorz Szczepanski, President, ICCO said:

“Our Polish association member, ZFPR, is one of our most active and impressive, with a strong, flourishing membership deeply engaged in global activities. We have enjoyed a fantastic Summit in Dubai this year and I am sure the 2023 Summit in Warsaw will be a great success too. 2023 will be the perfect time for the global PR community to gather in Warsaw”.

Przemysław Mitraszewski,President, ZFPR said:

“I am delighted that Warsaw will warmly welcome PR experts and leaders from every corner of the globe to the Global Summit next year. With global agency leaders, brands and a few special plans up our sleeve, it’s sure to be a memorable Summit – mark your diaries now!”

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The International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO) is the voice of public relations consultancies around the world. The ICCO membership comprises 41 associations representing 81 countries across the globe: from Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australasia, Europe, and, the Middle East. Collectively, these associations represent over 3,000 PR firms.


Roma Sakarnyte

Roma Sakarnyte

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Welcome to ICCO!

The International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO) is the voice of public relations consultancies around the world and provides a forum for senior management of the world’s best PR consultancies to meet and address issues of mutual interest and concern.

The ICCO membership comprises 41 associations representing 81 countries across the globe: from Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australasia, Europe and the Middle East. Collectively, these associations represent over 3,000 PR firms.

Members work together to raise standards of quality, address ethical issues, harmonise professional PR consultancy practice, and share knowledge.


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