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Yiannis Tavanidis, Péter Szijjartó and Tamás Menczer officially opening the Regional Parts Center
Yiannis Tavanidis, Péter Szijjartó and Tamás Menczer officially opening the Regional Parts Center

Sajtóközlemény -

Ford to Announce the opening of its First Regional High Velocity Parts Center in Europe, located in Hungary, Biatorbágy

BUDAPEST, 12 April 2021 – Ford is announcing today the official opening of its Regional Parts Center in Biatorbágy, Hungary, in the presence of the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Péter Szijjártó, Tamás Menczer the state secretary and Ford’s Regional Director Yiannis Tavanidis.

The newly established Regional Parts Center will be serving 15 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Apart from Hungary the Center will supply original parts to Ford’s authorized repairers in Austria, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.

“Today’s announcement marks an important milestone for Ford’s presence in Hungary and I am very happy to continue the journey we started here more than 10 years ago.

We have been operating our Hungarian and EDM markets since 2007 from our Hungarian Office. To grow the organization the first major milestone was when Ford Motor Company established its Regional Headquarter in 2012 in Szentendre. As a next step we opened our Ford Business Service Centre in Budapest in 2018 which allowed us to bring an increasing number of European and global Ford functions to Hungary, covering a variety of areas in production planning, marketing, after sales, HR finance and many others”, said Yiannis Tavanidis, Ford’s Regional Director.

“The new Parts Center in Biatorbágy, which is Ford’s first High-Velocity-Center (HVC)­* in Europe, will help Central and Eastern-European Ford dealers to minimize the order to delivery lead time. The newly set-up center in Biatorbágy will not only support the overall efficiency of the parts orders, but I strongly believe that it will positively impact Ford’s customer’s experience. At Ford, we treat our customers like family, and the way we handle both sales and aftersales processes is a real key differentiator”– added Yiannis Tavanidis.

Ford Motor Company worked with Arcese Group to build a 10.000 m2 professional storage Center for more than 18.000 different Ford original parts numbers. The Parts Center currently employs 55 people.

Ford is expanding its services in Hungary as one of the largest US based automotive employer in the country, operating out of 3 locations in Hungary – Budapest, Szentendre and Biatorbágy – already employing 624 highly qualified young Hungarian graduate engineers and economists working across a wide range of areas.

The company also supports a continuously expanding supplier network in Hungary, currently consisting of 40 companies and 69,000 employees, manufacturing and supplying parts for Ford production facilities with a total revenue of 2,27 billion USD in 2020.

Ford has been the market leader in vehicle sales in Hungary since 2010, with a strong market share in passenger car segment with 9,1% and more than 32% share of the commercial vehicle market.

Earlier this year, Ford announced it is investing at least $22 billion globally in electrification, nearly twice the company’s previous electric vehicle investment plans, and that it investing $1 billion to create the Ford Cologne Electrification Center in Germany for the manufacture of electric vehicles, the company’s first such facility in Europe. Ford’s first European-built, volume all-electric passenger vehicle will be built at the facility in 2023, with the potential for a second all-electric vehicle under consideration.

By mid-2026, 100 percent of Ford’s passenger vehicle range in Europe will be zero-emissions capable, all-electric or plug-in hybrid, moving to all-electric by 2030.

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*HVC – High Velocity Center – Ford Motor Company's High velocity parts centres (or regional distribution centers) are storing high-volume parts and provide daily overnight automotive parts deliveries to Ford dealerships, and authorized Ford Repairers.


A Ford Motor Company

A Ford Motor Company globális vállalat, amelynek központja a Michigan állambeli Dearborn. A vállalat tevékenységi köre a Ford személyautók, haszongépjárművek, városi terepjárók (SUV) és elektromos hajtású autók, valamint a Lincoln luxusautók tervezése, gyártása, értékesítése, szervizelése és a velük kapcsolatos szolgáltatások biztosítása. A vállalat a Ford Motor Credit Company révén pénzügyi szolgáltatásokat is nyújt. A Ford vezető szerepre törekszik az elektromos autók, az önvezető járművek és a mobilitás területén. A Ford mintegy 199.000 embert foglalkoztat világszerte. Amennyiben több információra van szüksége a Fordról, termékeiről vagy a Ford Motor Credit Company vállalatról, kérjük, keresse fel a vagy a honlapot.

A saját tulajdonú vállalatokban körülbelül 53.000 alkalmazottat, az összevont, illetve nem összevont közös vállalkozásokkal együtt pedig mintegy 67.000 embert foglalkoztató Ford Európa felel a Ford márkához tartozó autók gyártásáért, értékesítéséért és karbantartásáért Európa 50 piacán. A Ford Motor Credit Company mellett a Ford Európa üzleti tevékenysége magában foglalja a Ford Ügyfélszolgálat és 24 gyártóüzem (16 saját tulajdonú vagy összevont közös vállalat és 8 nem összevont közös vállalkozás) működtetését. Az első Ford autókat 1903-ban szállították Európába – ugyanabban az évben, amikor a Ford Motor Companyt alapították. Az európai gyártás 1911-ben indult meg. 


Tamas Lajtner

Tamas Lajtner

Sajtókapcsolatok Communications & Public Affairs Manager LinkedIn

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