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Annika Olsson, Lund University, Jonas Spangenberg, BoKlok, Susanne Hjorthagen, Nowaste, Lena Herder, IKEA, Göran Nilsson, IKEA, Charlotta Pelagalli, Microsoft, Jan Björklund (S), City of Helsingborg, Peter Danielsson (M), City of Helsingborg
Annika Olsson, Lund University, Jonas Spangenberg, BoKlok, Susanne Hjorthagen, Nowaste, Lena Herder, IKEA, Göran Nilsson, IKEA, Charlotta Pelagalli, Microsoft, Jan Björklund (S), City of Helsingborg, Peter Danielsson (M), City of Helsingborg

Press release -

​Microsoft, ABB, IBM, IKEA signs collaboration deal with Swedish city Helsingborg for the city expo H22

The Swedish city Helsingborg has presented the first of the businesses and organizations that intend to collaborate with the city on the journey towards the city expo H22 – A Smarter City. 40 different organizations can be found on the list, among others Microsoft, IBM, IKEA and the OECD initiative OPSI (Observatory for Public Sector Innovation). More businesses and organizations are expected to join later on.

“I’m glad that we can present organizations like IKEA, Microsoft, IBM and OPSI as collaborative partners in the work towards the city expo H22. Together we’ll find new solutions for how to build smart and sustainable cities. Our investment in innovation and partnerships with the private sector gives Helsingborg an opportunity to lead the way in innovative welfare and urban development – which in the long run will benefit everyone in Helsingborg,” says Peter Danielsson (M), mayor of Helsingborg.

“If we’re going to successfully strengthen the welfare system going forwards we need to develop new ways of working and modern solutions, and the city expo H22 is a key player in this. Together with the people of Helsingborg we’ll be at the forefront of how modern urban development should work in the future,” says Jan Björklund (S), municipal commissioner in Helsingborg.

Facts H22

The City of Helsingborg’s work towards 2022 and the city expo H22 has begun. The years leading up to the expo as well as its content can be seen as an innovation platform for urban and societal development and will to a large extent consist of collaborations with businesses, academic institutions and organizations that share the City of Helsingborg’s ambition of creating a smarter and more sustainable urban development.

HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden is the royal patron of H22 - A Smarter City.

Helsingborg has a proud tradition of arranging expos. In 1955 millions of people came to the craft and design expo H55. In 1999 H99 became the predecessor for a series of other home expos in the country. With H22, Helsingborg is taking the next step on this journey and focusing on a question of increasing global importance: a smarter and more sustainable city.

All partners

The following businesses and organizations have signed letters of intent with the City of Helsingborg, declaring their interest in collaborating with the city on the path to H22.

ABB, Lindab Innovation Hub, Lund University, Microsoft, Superlab, Wihlborgs, Forsea, A Sustainable Tomorrow, Bonbio, Nowaste, Castellum, SEB, IKEA, Helsingborgs Lasarett, Scandic, Sustainable Business Hub, BoKlok, Hotel Duxiana, Above Agency AB, Veidekke, RISE, Johnson & Johnson Helsingborg, EC Solutions, Riksbyggen, Peab, Brinova, WSP Sverige AB, Midroc, Rotary, Navet, Punktumgruppen, IBM Svenska AB, Sopact, Sweco, Telenor, Atea, ÅF, NCC, Sund Projekt and OPSI.

More information can be found at

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H22 - A Smarter City is a city expo in Helsingborg, Sweden, in 2022 exploring the best solutions for a smarter and more sustainable urban development and city life. The city expo and the years leading up to it is a platform to explore, test and showcase new standards and ideas creating change.

HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden is the royal patron of H22 - A Smarter City.

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Thomas Jartsell

Thomas Jartsell

Press contact Head of Media Relations +46709-186 431
Johan Persson

Johan Persson

Press contact Strategic communications officer, PR and media +46730458562

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Welcome to Helsingborg

The City of Helsingborg is located in the south of Sweden, just across the bay from Denmark. In recent years Helsingborg has received a number of awards, such as: Sweden’s ICT Municipality of the Year, Quality Municipality of the Year, Growth Municipality of the Year and Sustainability Municipality of the Year.

Now, the City of Helsingborg has set its sight on becoming one of Euorope’s most innovative cities by offering an open innovation platform for city innovations.

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