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Helsingborg launches innovation district to accelerate sustainable growth

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Helsingborg launches innovation district to accelerate sustainable growth

Helsingborg Innovation District. That is the name of the city’s innovation district currently taking shape in Oceanhamnen. “Helsingborg is one of Europe’s most innovative cities. We are now joining forces with academia, business and industry to take the next steps on our journey,” says Christian Orsing, member of the Moderate Party and chair of the executive committee in Helsingborg.

In 2020, Helsingborg was named one of Europe’s most innovative cities and in 2022 it organized H22 City Expo, Europe’s biggest arena for sustainable urban development and innovation.

Now, together with Region Skåne, Lund University and the local business community, the city is taking a further step in that direction by creating Helsingborg Innovation District. The district will facilitate new innovations by bringing different stakeholders together and acting as a catalyst for the creation of new innovative solutions. Solutions that will help bring about sustainable growth in the region.

The aim is to become a leading, international arena for innovation involving business, academia and the public sector.

“As one of Europe’s most innovative cities, we are constantly pushing the boundaries of what a city can do. Now, in partnership with academia, business and industry, we are taking the next step on the journey to strengthen the region,” says Christian Orsing, member of Sweden's conservative party (Moderaterna) Party and chair of the executive committee in Helsingborg.

The initiators of Helsingborg Innovation District are the City of Helsingborg, Region Skåne, Lund University, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden and major stakeholders from business and industry. The aim is to create a joint arena that promotes cooperation on innovation, not least regarding the climate challenges we are facing as society.

“By bringing together companies and organizations in a single innovation district, we will be able to strengthen cooperation at regional level, as well as highlight Helsingborg’s and Skåne’s innovation strength more clearly at the international level. Increased innovation and investment in Skåne are fundamental to ensuring the growth of jobs and companies,” says Anna Jähnke, member of the Moderate Party and chair of the Regional Development Board in Region Skåne.

In geographical terms, the district stretches from Helsingborg Central Station in the north southwards via Oceanhamnen to the location of Campus Helsingborg and RecoLab. Helsingborg Innovation District is aimed at all types of organizations active in the field of innovation.

“Society is dependent on new ways of thinking and ideas. With Helsingborg Innovation District, we are creating a location with international appeal that will make it more attractive for students and researchers, both now and in the future,” says Charlotta Johnsson, dean of Campus Helsingborg, one of Lund University’s four campuses.

Already today, several innovative companies, like Resurs Bank, Lindab and Robot Minds, the tech hub Hetch and the coworking concept Mindpark, are operating in the area designated for the innovation district, in addition to Lund University’s Campus Helsingborg. Shortly, the city’s new Centre for Innovation has been established in the area.

“Innovation is a must if business and industry in the region are to grow and make Skåne a driving force for sustainable development. We have high hopes for Helsingborg Innovation District and look forward to actively contributing to the work going forward,” says Stephan Müchler, President/CEO of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden.

In the spring of 2023, an operations manager was be appointed, whose task is to coordinate activities and bring together the entities operating in the innovation district. The job will is to ensure that the innovation district develops, positioning Helsingborg on the national and international innovation map.

Facts: Helsingborg Innovation District

  • The ambition behind Helsingborg Innovation District (HEIDI) is to create a leading meeting place on the global stage for stakeholders from business and industry, academia, cities and institutions.
  • The initiators of Helsingborg Innovation District are the City of Helsingborg, Region Skåne, Lund University, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden and major stakeholders from the business community.
  • An innovation district is a geographic area located centrally in a city where leading institutions, such as a universities, major companies and public sector agencies coexist with smaller companies, incubators, accelerators and the surrounding community.
  • Helsingborg Innovation District stretches from Helsingborg Central Station in the north southwards via Oceanhamnen to the location of Campus Helsingborg and RecoLab.




Thomas Jartsell

Thomas Jartsell

Press contact Head of Media Relations +46709-186 431
Johan Persson

Johan Persson

Press contact Strategic communications officer, PR and media +46730458562

Welcome to Helsingborg

The City of Helsingborg is located in the south of Sweden, just across the bay from Denmark. In recent years Helsingborg has received a number of awards, such as: Sweden’s ICT Municipality of the Year, Quality Municipality of the Year, Growth Municipality of the Year and Sustainability Municipality of the Year.

Now, the City of Helsingborg has set its sight on becoming one of Euorope’s most innovative cities by offering an open innovation platform for city innovations.

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City of Helsingborg

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251 89 Helsingborg

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