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Launch: Four ships at sea for Havila Voyages

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Launch: Four ships at sea for Havila Voyages

Havila Capella is on her first tour along the Norwegian coast at the same time
as ship three and four were launched at the shipyard in Turkey. Havila Voyages
has four ships at sea.

The 12.12.21 was a historic day for Havila Voyages when Havila Capella
embarked on a maiden voyage and became the first new ship on the coastal route
between Bergen and Kirkenes in eighteen years.
• Now a new milestone has been reached; all four new ships for the company have
come to sea," says Bent Martini, CEO of Havila Voyages

Havila Capella is operating. The next ship, Havila Castor, is scheduled to
depart from Bergen on 7 April. Thereafter ship three and four, Havila Polaris
and Havila Pollux are following.
• We also see now that ship three and four are more finished at launch than
Havila Capella and Havila Castor were. This means that delivery and start-up are
planned for the summer

Greener ships

All four ships have the same design and technology, and Havila Kystruten has
spent around NOK 500 million to make the ships environmentally friendly. Among
other things, the ships have the world's largest battery pack for passenger
ships, The weigh is 86 tons, and the capacity is 6.1 megawatt hours.

• With these batteries we can sail four hours without noise and emissions
through world heritage fjords and vulnerable nature. We will create great
experiences with small climate footprints
Pleasant welcome along the coast

Havila Capella is now on her very first voyage along the Norwegian coast.
• The corona pandemic means that we can only have small markings and meetings
with port authorities and municipalities along the coast, but we face great
goodwill and positive interest. It is also gratifying to see many who show up to
welcome us.

Bent Martini says he looks forward to getting all four ships into traffic along
the coast and that the pandemic outbreak goes down, so that Havila Voyages can
welcome the public on board to look at the new ships
• Those who are travelling with us now give a lot of good feedback on a
fantastic crew, on the ship, interiors, cabins, food and not least the many
areas with good chairs and large windows where they can enjoy the view to the
Norwegian coast. We want even more people to see and experience this

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The Havila Voyages is a Norwegian shipping company that sails the classic coastal voyage between Bergen and Kirkenes with the Norwegian coast's most environmentally friendly ships.

The four new ships are loaded with the world's largest battery pack, and for four hours you can sail without noise or emissions through vulnerable fjords. The batteries are charged with clean hydropower at shore, and when the batteries are low we switch to natural gas which cuts CO2 by around 25%.

The hull is specially designed for maximum energy efficiency, and excess heat from cooling water and sea used for heating on board. On the menu are locally made dishes from local producers, and all unnecessary plastic is avoided. We are already exceeding the authorities' requirements for cutting emission, and we have set sail with zero emissions as the target.

The Havila Voyages is part of the Havila group that dates back to the 1950s. It all started when the founder, Per Sævik, bought his first fishing boat in his teens. From fishing and herring fishing, Havila is now a group operating in shipping technology, offshore, transport and tourism.


Johanna Hansli

Johanna Hansli

Chief Sales Officer Sales +46 702 40 40 26
Matthew Valentine

Matthew Valentine

Country manager UK +44 (0)7795162453

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Havila Voyages

6092 Fosnavåg

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