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Havila Voyages wins the “Kreuzfahrtguide Award” 2024 in the Sustainability category

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Havila Voyages wins the “Kreuzfahrtguide Award” 2024 in the Sustainability category

The Norwegian cruise company Havila Voyages was honoured at this year's “Kreuzfahrtguide Award” in the sustainability category for its ship Havila Pollux – and thus for its clear vision for sustainable cruise tourism. The award ceremony took place in Hamburg, where Pia Kuusisto, Havila Voyages‘ Head of Sales In Germany, accepted the prize. With this award, the jury recognizes Havila Voyages’ outstanding efforts to make the cruise industry more environmentally friendly by using innovative technologies.

The use of battery-powered ships was particularly emphazised, enabling Havila Voyages to sail along sections of the Norwegian coast with zero emissions – a first in the industry. Havila Pollux beat two sailing ships from the Sea Cloud Cruises and Star Clippers shipping companies, as well as the Hurtigruten shipping company's ship Otto Sverdrup.

In his speech, Georg J. Schulz, chief reporter of the Hamburger Abendblatt, emphasised the unanimity of the jury's decision: "Norwegian mail ships are already very far ahead technologically and they set trends that will soon benefit the cruise industry as a whole. Havila Voyages, for example, is focusing on large batteries that can be charged with electricity from hydropower, as well as on preparations for the use of hydrogen. That is why the jury's vote was unanimous."

Havila Voyages has been operating on the traditional Coastal Route since 2021 and has set itself the goal of revolutionizing cruise tourism along the Norwegian coast in a sustainable way. The shipping company's ships are equipped with some of the largest battery systems ever installed in a passenger ship, making a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. In addition, Havila Voyages uses environmentally friendly technologies that minimize emissions of nitrogen oxides and other pollutants. The shipping company is also known for its unique food concept, which relies on regional suppliers and minimizes food waste. In 2023, for example, an average of only 58 grams of food waste was generated per guest per day.

“We are incredibly proud of this award,” said Pia Kuusisto, who accepted the award in Hamburg on behalf of Havila Voyages.

The company is pleased with the recognition from Germany, the world's second-largest cruise market.

"This award demonstrates that our commitment to sustainability and environmental protection is not only acknowledged but also appreciated. We hope to use this as an example for the entire industry – together, we must make the right choices if we are to succeed in meeting the climate goals of the future, says Lasse A. Vangstein, Chief Communications and Sustainability Officer in Havila Voyages.

The jury particularly praised Havila Voyages' courage in embracing innovation and environmental awareness despite the challenges in the cruise industry. The concept of covering sections of the route with zero emissions, the use of LNG (liquefied natural gas) and the ambitions for a hydrogen-based future underline Havila Voyages' pioneering role in the field of sustainability. With this award, Havila Voyages is consolidating its position as a pioneer in sustainable cruise tourism and sending a clear signal to the industry: an environmentally friendly future is possible if bold decisions are made and consistently pursued.



Havila Voyages is a Norwegian shipping company that sails the classic coastal voyage between Bergen and Kirkenes with the Norwegian coast's most environmentally friendly ships.

The four new ships are loaded with one the world's largest battery pack ever installed on passenger ships and can sail for up to four hours without noise or emissions through vulnerable areas. The batteries are charged with clean hydropower at shore, and when the batteries are low we switch to natural gas which cuts CO2 by around 35 %.

The hull is specially designed for maximum energy efficiency, and excess heat from cooling water and sea used for heating on board. On the menu are locally made dishes from local producers, and all unnecessary plastic is avoided. We are already exceeding the authorities' requirements for cutting emission, and we have set sail with zero emissions as the future target.

Havila Voyages is part of the Havila Group that dates back to the 1950s. It all started when the founder, Per Sævik, bought his first fishing boat in his teens. From fishing and herring fishing, Havila is now a group operating in shipping technology, offshore, transport and tourism.


Lasse A. Vangstein

Lasse A. Vangstein

Press contact Chief Communications & Sustainability Officer Communication, marketing & sustainability +47 93449954

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