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Hack for Earth Foundation in United Nations General Assembly

The Stockholm+50 Preparatory Meeting took place at UN Headquarters in New York on March 28th. The meeting showcased the inclusive multilateral nature of the Stockholm+50 process: Member States, IGOs, youth groups, civil society groups, and others from around the world took the floor in the General Assembly Hall to contribute to shaping of the Stockholm+50 Leadership Dialogues. Hack for Earth Foundation joined as one of the organisations with special ackreditation for Stockholm+50.

The one-day preparatory meeting for Stockholm+50 was convened by the President of the General Assembly. Chaired by the Stockholm+50 co-hosts, Sweden and Kenya, the meeting was structured around three interactive discussions on the preparations for the three Stockholm+50 Leadership Dialogues and other elements of international meeting on 2-3 June 2022.

The preparatory meeting was held in-person (with COVID-related restrictions applicable at the time of the meeting) with live streaming on UN Web TV in the six official languages of the United Nations. H.E. Ms. Annika Strandhäll, Minister for Climate and the Environment, Sweden was the chairwoman together with H.E. Mr. Keriako Tobiko, EGH, SC, Cabinet secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Kenya.

Hack for Earth Foundation's Secretary General was selected as a speaker at the Preparatory meeting of Stockholm+50, and in her adress she stressed the need for action instead of words. Watch her intervention below, in the recorded video attached.

As an ackredited organization to the upcoming UN conference Stockholm+50, Hack for Earth Foundation is participating in the preparatory meetings. Secretary General Molin's intervention was on Leadership Dialogue 1: Reflecting on the urgent need for actions to achieve a healthy planet and prosperity for all. 

All speakers on Leadership Dialogue 1: 

H.E. Mr. Stéphane Dion, Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to the EU and Europe and Ambassador to Germany, Canada
H.E. Mr. Cristian Espinosa, Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the United Nations
Interventions from the floor
Group of 77 and China (Pakistan)
European Union
Nordic States (Denmark)
World Scouting
Least Developed Countries (Malawi)
Alliance of Small Island Developing States (Antigua and Barbuda)
Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment
African Group (Lesotho)
Hack for Earth Foundation
United States
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
United Arab Emirates
Women's Major Group (Population Health and Environment Ethiopia Consortium)

Read more about the Preparatory meeting for Stockholm+50 here:

Watch the recording of the discussion on Leadership Dialogue 1 here:

More about Stockholm+50:

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  • Environment, Energy


Ann Molin

Press contact Founder & Secretary General Hack for Earth Foundation +46 708 27 48 49

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