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Topics: Groceries

Vegetarian nudge gets students to choose plant-based food in large-scale pilot project: How non-radical vegan food made kids in Sweden go plant-based overnight

Vegetarian nudge gets students to choose plant-based food in large-scale pilot project: How non-radical vegan food made kids in Sweden go plant-based overnight

Vegetarian school meals are in the spotlight! When Swedish school children are given the choice, they choose plant-based tacos, poké bowls and noodle woks over meat. One of Europe's key players in healthy and sustainable food, the Swedish company Greenfood, has succeeded in inspiring thousands of kids to eat vegetarian food for lunch, with a modern food concept that brings street food into the sch

Greenfood’s CEO spoke at Europe’s largest trade fair for fresh produce

Greenfood’s CEO spoke at Europe’s largest trade fair for fresh produce

Greenfood’s food tech company Picadeli offers healthy fast food that is both accessible and affordable through its digitalized salad bars. The company has established itself in several European markets and recently launched in the United States. Their success has generated significant international interest, and CEO David von Laskowski was invited to speak at Fruit Logistica, Europe’s largest trad

Greenfood is investing in state-of-the-art robotics in their new facility of the future

Greenfood is investing in state-of-the-art robotics in their new facility of the future

Greenfood's new 44,000 square meter facility will soon be ready. When it opens, it will cater to northern Europe's increased interest in plant-based food, food-to-go, and fruit and vegetables. To handle the growing order volumes, Greenfood has invested heavily in robotic solutions and warehouse automation. This investment means faster handling of goods, less truck traffic around the premises and h

Greenfood is looking for innovative partners in the fight against food waste

Greenfood is looking for innovative partners in the fight against food waste

Leather from grape residues, silk from orange peel, and sunglasses made from potato waste. These are just a few examples of how innovative companies and innovative entrepreneurs are turning food waste into business ideas. To take the next step, and further reduce food waste, the Greenfood group is now looking for partners who see new opportunities in other leftovers from processing fruit and veget

Greenfood to increase recycling with the help of Bower  - the collaboration allows people to make money by depositing packaging

Greenfood to increase recycling with the help of Bower - the collaboration allows people to make money by depositing packaging

Today, half of all plastic packaging is thrown away with household rubbish. The major food group Greenfood wants to change that, which is why they are launching a collaboration with Bower, the app that allows consumers to make money sorting and recycling their packaging. For Greenfood, it is another step in their work to minimize the company’s climate footprint and contribute to an increased circu

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Greenfood – Making healthy yummy

Passion is what's made us one of the Nordic's leading groups in healthy food. We work the entire chain - from growing, processing and delivery to the moment consumers put forks in their mouths.


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256 69 Helsingborg

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