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Greenfood's giant logistics facility nominated for Sustainability Achievement of the Year 2023

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Greenfood's giant logistics facility nominated for Sustainability Achievement of the Year 2023

Greenfood's new food and logistics facility, Greenhouse, is being recognized as one of the best sustainability achievements of 2023. The award is presented by the magazine Miljö & Utveckling (Environment & Development) and celebrates innovative and successful sustainability projects, whether they involve climate, biodiversity, social sustainability, or other sustainability work.

Greenfood's brand new giant facility, Greenhouse, spans 44,000 square meters. The environment is a priority in everything from material choices to cooling systems and heat recovery. The roof has solar panels, the parking lot has charging stations, and preparations have been made to charge heavy vehicles when technology advances that far.

However, what Greenfood and Skanska have done around the facility is truly unique.

Together, they have created an eco-park around the entire facility that serves as a corridor for birds and insects to follow to green areas nearby. The eco-park is divided into three zones of vibrant life. One zone focuses on the edible, with walnut trees, hazel, and sweet chestnut among others. Another zone mimics the old local farming landscape traditionally comprising avenues of oak, rowan, lime, and maple, along with wild apple and pear, willow, guelder rose, bird cherry, and hawthorn. A third zone is filled with wild roses, elderberry, and cherry trees, which have a particularly beautiful spring bloom. In total, 23 different species of trees and shrubs and 25 different species of meadow flowers are planted.

The green corridor also serves as homes for pollinators. On a south-facing hill, edible plants have been planted, and a pile of dead wood has been stacked for wild bees. If they can find nutrition and nesting places, they can do their important job of pollinating and ensuring that plants reproduce, so that humans can harvest the fruit. This is crucial for Greenfood as the group relies on pollination to produce fruits and vegetables.

The pilot project aims to change the standard for industrial areas.



We just love healthy food. Making it tastier. Simpler. Better. And more accessible. Passion is what has made Greenfood one of northern Europe’s leading groups in healthy food, and we have a history that stretches back some 50 years. Greenfood had sales of SEK 5.3 billion in 2019 and has approximately 1,500 employees. The business is broad and with our three business areas we are involved in the entire food chain – from growing, processing and delivery to the moment when consumers put forks in their mouths. Greenfood’s business areas are: Picadeli, Food Solutions and Fresh Produce.

Brands within the Group include: Picadeli – the leading European take-away chain that focuses on healthy fast food; Greendeli – a Scandinavian leader in healthy and tasty food-to-go products; Daily Greens – a challenger supplying fruit and vegetables direct from the farms, and SallaCarte – the time saver that allows chefs to spend more time on being creative in the kitchen by offering a wide range of freshly prepared fruit and vegetables. Find out more at


Magnus Holtinger Wallin

Press contact Head of Communications +46 72 0780 214

Greenfood – Making healthy yummy

Passion is what's made us one of the Nordic's leading groups in healthy food. We work the entire chain - from growing, processing and delivery to the moment consumers put forks in their mouths.


Knut Påls väg 9
256 69 Helsingborg

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