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Port of Gothenburg freezes port charges

The Gothenburg Port Authority has decided to leave the Port Tariff unchanged. As a result, the Port Tariff for 2016 will remain at the 2015 level. Magnus Kårestedt, Port of Gothenburg chief executive, said: "Our aim behind this move is to reinforce the growth of industry, shipping and the port."

All ships calling at the Port of Gothenburg pay a port charge based on the ship's gross weight and classification. The port charge is used to finance, for example, fairway maintenance, traffic information systems and safety at the port.

"Shipping costs become transport costs for industry. By doing our utmost to keep the port charge down, we can contribute to maintaining a strong cluster of shipping companies in Gothenburg and a broad range of services to key markets," said Magnus Kårestedt.

Growth in Swedish exports and the import of goods have been modest in recent years, a trend reflected in the flow of goods at the Port of Gothenburg.

According to Magnus Kårestedt, there are positive signs from industry. "We can see that leaving the Port Tariff unchanged is one of the means that we can employ to really boost growth. We also hope that other parties in the transport chain do everything in their power to keep costs to a minimum. The state fairway charges, for example, don't exist throughout the rest of Europe and simply make transport more expensive for Swedish industry."

It pays to be green
Ships that demonstrate good environmental performance receive a discount on the port charge at the Port of Gothenburg. Two indexes are used as a basis for calculating the environmental discount – the Environmental Ship Index, which is used at many ports throughout the world, and the Clean Shipping Index, which is an environmental index where the cargo owners rate ships and shipping companies. Ships that switch to running on liquefied natural gas, LNG, receive a further discount.

Discount on inland waterways
A further port charge discount is aimed at inland shipping. Ships that are classed according to the Inland Waterway standard and operate in the Gothenburg–Lake Vänern area, receive a generous 25 per cent discount on the port charge.

The Port Tariff can be found at

For more information, please contact:

Cecilia Carlsson, Vice President Communications, Port of Gothenburg
+46 70 508 66 32

Stefan Strömberg, Communications Officer, Port of Gothenburg
+46 70 532 02 84


Fact file: Port of Gothenburg
The Port of Gothenburg is the largest port in the Nordic region. 30 per cent of Swedish foreign trade passes through the Port of Gothenburg as well as 60 per cent of all container traffic.

The Port of Gothenburg is the only port in Sweden with the capacity to receive the world's largest container vessels and has the broadest range of shipping routes within and outside Europe. The 25 rail shuttles that depart each day mean that companies throughout Sweden and Norway have a direct, environmentally smart link to the largest port in the Nordic region. The Port of Gothenburg has terminals for oil, cars, ro-ro, containers and passengers.

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Scandinavia's largest port

The Port of Gothenburg is the largest port in Scandinavia. Around 20% of Swedish foreign trade and over 50% of all container traffic is handled in the Port of Gothenburg . The port is a full-service port, and offers industry guaranteed, climate-smart access to the whole world. Direct services to key markets ensure highly efficient, sustainable, and reliable transport 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The focus is firmly on sustainability, innovation, and digitalisation in a concerted effort to maintain the ongoing development of climate-efficient freight transport and calls by vessels. With over 30 rail shuttles offering daily departures, companies throughout Sweden and Norway have a direct, climate-neutral service to the Port of Gothenburg. The port handles energy products, vehicles, ro-ro units, containers and passengers. 22,000 people are employed at the port.

Port of Gothenburg

FE 221
403 38 Göteborg

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