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Florin's Transition from Field Work to Back Office at GWS

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Florin's Transition from Field Work to Back Office at GWS

Meet Florin, from our Romanian office, who in June 2024 celebrated his 10 year anniversary with the Global Wind Service.

Florin started working at Global Wind Service in June 2014 as a “rookie technician” – marking his entry to the wind industry. Before becoming part of the GWS team, he spent 3 years in a Multinational Army Unit, taking on various roles such as soldier, IT specialist, and Fitness Trainer. Post-army life saw him dive into the world of Web Design, crafting vector logos for a range of companies. Just before his journey with GWS, he led a team of 10-15 employees in the electrical department of a major retail construction store.

Florin's first project in GWS was in Finland with Vestas, where he worked in the preparation team – where he pre-assembled different turbine parts before the installation. After the time in Finland, he was assigned to a project in Romania to perform retrofits and maintenance on GE turbines. This project marked the beginning of his specialization with GE turbines. Shortly after, he became a team lead - a dream come true for him.

For the next 2-3 years, Florin led various teams for yearly maintenance jobs in Romania. Between maintenance tasks, he worked on installation projects in France, Scotland, and other locations, all with GE turbines. Becoming a lead back then in Romania opened new opportunities for Florin at GWS, including selection for a leadership training program in Denmark. There, he met Peter, a Senior Manager who became a mentor for his development at GWS.

“Peter requested me for his GE projects, and I transitioned from an electrician on the ECC team to leading ECC teams on GE installation projects.”

Unfortunately, after three years in the field, Florin’s wife suffered from serious health issues, which led him to reconsider his role. After discussing with the Country Manager from GWS’ Romanian Business Unit, Florin transitioned to a back-office position in the autumn 2017. Since then, he has held various roles, including Project Support and Technician Manager, becoming the Line Manager for his former field colleagues. During maintenance jobs in Romania in 2018 and 2019, he also took on the role of Project Manager. Currently, Florin serve as Resource Manager and Project Resource Manager.

Speaking with Florin about what he enjoys most about his job, about GWS, and what motivates him, Florin says:

I love creating the right team composition for projects and seeing them run smoothly. It gives me great satisfaction to know I’ve assigned the right people for the job. I also enjoy staying in touch with my group of technicians and maintaining good relationships with them.

My motivation comes from the success of my projects. Seeing projects run smoothly gives me a sense of accomplishment. It’s a real challenge to make this happen, from knowing the technicians' skills to recruiting the right people when needed. This challenge is what drives me every day.

For me, GWS is the best place to work. I’ve met and worked with wonderful people. My colleagues at the office and those I connect with online respect and support each other, which makes all the difference.

Over the past 10 years, I’ve seen that it’s the people who make GWS special, confirming that I chose the right company.




Jane Byskov Jacobsen

Jane Byskov Jacobsen

Press contact Marketing & Communications Manager +4527784283

Global partner for your wind turbine installation or maintenance project

Global Wind Service (GWS) is a leading provider of turbine installation and service solutions for onshore and offshore wind projects worldwide. With a strong focus on safety, quality, and efficiency, GWS offers a wide range of services, including installation, commissioning, operations, maintenance, and repair. The company is dedicated to delivering sustainable and reliable wind turbine solutions that enable the transi-tion to a cleaner and greener energy future.

Global Wind Service

Strevelinsvej 28
7000 Fredericia