Press release -

FlexLink launches X45H, the strong extension of the X45 platform

18 months after the launch of X45, FlexLink has established a position in the lab automation business. In parallel with the business development, FlexLink has  developed extensions to the offer and are now launching the new conveyor platform X45H, new puck handling functions and the possibility to connect X45 to X45H.

The new conveyor platform, X45H, is a direct response to customer needs within lab automation. It offers considerably longer conveyor sections and full compatibility to the electro mechanic puck handling functions with embedded controls of the X45e platform.

The new X45H platform offers a maximum conveyor length of 25 m and a speed limit of 60 m/min. The conveyor width is 45 mm as the compact X45 platform.

The catalogue and CAD models are available in the Technical library on FlexLink’s web site,, under ‘Conveyor system X45’.

Göran Abbestam, FlexLink’s product Manager for aluminium based systems explains “The feedback from customers is strong and we have already received orders from several customers within the pharmaceutical and lab automation industries. Our customers within lab automation explicitly express satisfaction about the additional degree of freedom of the layout design the new combined offer is giving them. The development has been made in close cooperation with major integrators.

FlexLink Group

Göran Abbestam                                                        Klas Ålander
Product Manager                                                        Corporate Communications  
+46 31 337 1052                                                         +46 31 337 2499                        

Related links


  • Industry, manufacturing


  • automation
  • conveyor system
  • conveyors
  • flexlink
  • gentle handling
  • modular conveyor
  • production logistics


  • Göteborg

FlexLink är en global leverantör av lösningar inom produktionslogistik för tillverkande företag. Lösningarna ger tillverkande företag möjlighet att öka effektiviteten i sina produktionssystem. FlexLink är ett globalt företag med egna säljbolag i 23länder och partners i fler än 60. Huvudkontoret ligger i Göteborg. Under 2011 hade FlexLink 716 anställda och koncernens omsättning var 1 614 Mkr.

FlexLink ingår i Coesia-koncernen som består av 13 företag specialiserade inom tillverkning av automatiserade maskiner, tillhörande produkter och tjänster. Under 2011 omsatte koncernen 1134 M€ och hade 4700 medarbetare, inkl FlexLink.

of automated machinery, related products and services. 2010 hade Coesia Group 3900 anställda och en omsättning på 871 miljoner € (exkl. FlexLink).


Stefan von Westberg

Press contact Head of Marketing Marketing +49 69 83832 137

Christoph Penter

Press contact Marketing Communications Leader PR & Kommunikation +49 (0) 170 812 8460