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Discover the Dazzling Delights of Autumn in Fjord Norway

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Discover the Dazzling Delights of Autumn in Fjord Norway

With a stunning landscape bursting with vibrant autumnal hues, clean, crisp air, and the ever-changing tapestry of weather, autumn emerges as the most diverse and captivating season in Fjord Norway. It's a time when nature puts on a spectacular show, offering a feast for the senses. As the leaves turn shades of red, orange, and yellow, and the air becomes tinged with the scent of fallen leaves, autumn invites exploration and immersion in the beauty of the Norwegian fjords.

Put on your hiking boots

Autumn is a hiker's paradise in the breathtaking fjord landscapes. With the summer crowds gone, you can venture out to iconic destinations like Trolltunga and Preikestolen without the need for standing in queues. It's also the perfect season to discover hidden gems, where you can experience the tranquility of nature without interruption.

Near cities such as Bergen, Ålesund, and Stavanger, there are countless trails waiting to be explored, offering breathtaking views and the chance to reconnect with nature. Early autumn presents an ideal opportunity to visit glaciers like Folgefonna, Jostedalsbreen, and Briksdalsbreen, while later in the season, you can witness the raw power of autumn storms along the coast. Urban explorers can embark on city hikes, immersing themselves in street art, history, and culinary delights. With sturdy footwear and a sense of adventure, autumn invites you to experience Fjord Norway on foot, every step revealing the region's natural wonders.

From fjord to mouth - A feast of flavors

Autumn marks the harvest season in Fjord Norway, a time when orchards and hillsides along the fjords are filled with fruits and berries. Apples, plums, cherries, pears, and raspberries beckon from the trees, inviting visitors to taste their sweetness. Fruit farms along the fjords offer the opportunity to pick your own fruit and sample a variety of homemade delights, from jams and juices to cakes and candies. The unique soil and climate of the fjords lend a distinctive flavor to the produce, making autumn the perfect time to indulge in the region's culinary delights.

Unique accommodations - Immersed in nature

For those seeking a closer connection to nature, Fjord Norway offers a range of unique accommodations that blend seamlessly with the landscape. Whether it's staying in a treehouse nestled high among the branches, glamping along the shores of the fjord, spending the night in a historic lighthouse, or retreating to a cozy coastal lodge, these accommodations offer a front-row seat to nature's grandeur. As you drift off to sleep surrounded by the sounds of the forest or the gentle lapping of waves, you'll find yourself immersed in the tranquility of the Norwegian wilderness.

Fjord culture in city and village - Where tradition meets innovation

For those drawn to the charm of villages and cities, autumn offers a chance to explore iconic destinations like Flåm and Geiranger without the summer crowds. The Flåm Railway, renowned for its breathtaking views, takes on a new dimension as the landscape is transformed by autumn's fiery palette. In cities like Bergen and Stavanger, cultural events and festivals abound, offering a glimpse into the region's vibrant arts scene. From symphony concerts to street art festivals, there's no shortage of activities to captivate and inspire. Take a leisurely stroll through historic streets, mingle with locals at cozy cafes, and discover the unique blend of tradition and innovation that defines Fjord Norway.

Climate and temperature

Autumn in Fjord Norway brings a dynamic interplay of weather, with temperatures ranging from below 10 ºC to around 20 ºC in early autumn. As the season progresses, the landscape undergoes a dramatic transformation, with bursts of sunlight giving way to sudden showers and gusts of wind. While many scenic routes close with the onset of autumn snow in the mountains, there are still ample opportunities for outdoor adventure. Local guide companies offer excursions tailored to the season, providing the necessary equipment and expertise for safe exploration. Whether you're navigating coastal trails or trekking through mountain passes, autumn in Fjord Norway promises an unforgettable journey into the heart of nature's beauty.

Average low-high temperatures: 3-15 ºC.

How to get here
Both Bergen, Stavanger, and Ålesund have flight routes to nearly all major European cities, and early in the autumn, accessibility is excellent. Later in the season, some summer routes may end, but there is still a wide selection of direct routes to several European countries. Additionally, the airline Widerøe operates an extensive network of short-haul flights in Fjord Norway, making it easy to travel between cities and villages by air. There are also car rental companies like Avis Fjord Mobility that allow you to pick up a car in one city and drop it off in another, and route buses and ferries connect the region for both visitors and locals. This makes it easy to travel around and experience all of Fjord Norway in the autumn.

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Kristoffer Fürstenberg - Fjord Norway

Kristoffer Fürstenberg - Fjord Norway

Press contact Chief Communications Officer (CCO) Communications and PR +47 41 91 82 06

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Fjord Norway is the official tourist board of Western Norway. Our main functions are international marketing of the Fjord Norway region, press-and study trips, and to convey information from the Fjord Norway region to tour operators, press and consumers worldwide.

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