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Santa Claus hears the world through the letters

Did you know that all the post offices around the world know where Santa Claus lives, so the only address you have to write to your letter is “Santa Claus”.

The busiest and most active correspondence in the world is handled by Santa Claus Main post Office. We got to ask Katja the main postal Elf some questions and she was happy to share some of the sweetest letters with us. Katja says that even the world is now in the internet and handwritten letters are getting even more seldom, Santa Claus still receives 500 000 letters annually. Santa Claus’ Main Post Office on the Arctic Circle has been temporarily closed from April 3 due to coronavirus situation and will reopen earliest in September.

Favourite letters of Santa Claus?

Who wouldn´t love a letter with a scent of gingerbread, or filled with carrots for snowmen? Santa Claus loves all of these letters Katja says and adds that he equally enjoys the longer ones with stories and worries as much as he does the ones with a long wish list of toys, because each letter says something about the sender, their values, character and persona.

Do letters ever get lost?

It is beautiful, and kind of magical how the letters find their way to Arctic Circle even if there is no clear address written on them, just “Santa Claus”. Katja says that even if the letters are written to be delivered to the North Pole all the post offices around the world know that Santa Claus lives in the Arctic Circle Rovaniemi, so the letters are referred to Santa Claus Main Post Office.

Santa Claus Main Post Office Visit Rovaniemi Lapland Finland Arctic Circle

Katja Elf still wishes to remind you that the address for Santa Claus letters is:

Santa Claus, Santa Claus Main Post Office

96930 Arctic Circle Finland

Katja wishes to make sure your Santa Claus letters get here in time.

What do people write in these letters?

Children, teenagers, students and grownups, even whole families write to Santa Claus about their everyday life, hobbies, and dreams. They write about their countries, how they vary in their culture and rituals, a true plethora of emotions, life stories and experiences, even national challenges are tangible to Santa Claus through these letters. Katja Elf says it is not just about the wish lists, Santa Claus hears the world through these letters.

Facts about the Santa Claus Main Post Office

  • Santa Claus’ Main Post Office is a government owned post office having all the postal services one might need.
  • Santa Claus received half of million letters from all over the world for Christmas 2019.
  • Top countries are Poland, Italy, China, Finland, UK and Japan.
  • The letters are seen in an exhibition inside the Santa Claus Main Post Office.


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  • finland
  • christmas
  • culture
  • santa claus
  • arctic circle
  • lapland
  • father christmas
  • arctic
  • santaclaus
  • visit rovaniemi


  • Lappi


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