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Northern Lights of Rovaniemi seen dancing above Tel Aviv

Finland and Israel 70 years Diplomatic relations

Visit Rovaniemi continues to network regardless the circumstances

Visit Rovaniemi delivered greetings to the virtual celebration of 70 years of Diplomatic Relations between Finland and Israel. The formalities were held last week on 24th of November in Tel Aviv where Visit Rovaniemi Northern Lights where projected in a central location.

Visit Rovaniemi sent greetings to the Israelis through a video installation. The companies of Lapland travel industry have created tight relations in the field of international travel and remain to do so regardless the state of the global markets. The managing director of Visit Rovaniemi Sanna Kärkkäinen praises the Northern Lights show in Tel Aviv and says that the video installation was projected in such a central venue that it was widely seen. Kärkkäinen reveals that the Northern Lights were truly the authentic Auroras of Rovaniemi.

“It is essential that no matter the circumstances we are able to be virtually present in functions with diplomatic importance, to represent Rovaniemi as a destination, for it has always been one of our key functions.” Kärkkäinen says and continues how important the presence of brands is right now, “to respect the networks and relations created and to be there for the countless travellers, who time after time travelled to marvel the winter of Rovaniemi.”

Deiv Salutskij says that “the 70 years celebration was excellent – the occasion called for Northern Lights to symbolize Rovaniemi travel industry, for so many Israelis have had the opportunity to experience the magic of the Northern Lights”. Deiv Salutskij is the Chairman of the Board in Finland Israel Trade Association, where they aim to advance the transnational trade relations. Salutskij is a long-term professional in contributing to Israel and Rovaniemi travel industry success story, ever since opening the Tel Aviv-Rovaniemi charter production together with Shimon Biton. Kärkkäinen and Salutskij both wish to thank Ruut-Lea Zaban for the coordination and for the significant cooperation in celebration execution Jetflite and sales director Jan Lindholm.

Channel 12 news Tel Aviv Visit Rovaniemi Northern Lights.

Visit Rovaniemi logo and Northern Lights were projected against a tall wall of Habima Theater in tel Aviv between 7pm and 11pm. The Northern Lights installation gained the attention of the local radio and the dancing Auroras of Rovaniemi made it to the newscast of TV channel 12 the same evening. Kärkkäinen underlines that “visibility of this calibre is within our reach only through years of networking and being present.”

Photos: Yulia PhotoArt

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  • israel
  • tel aviv
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  • northern lights
  • rovaniemi
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  • jan lindholm
  • visit rovaniemi
  • diplomatic relations
  • sanna kärkkäinen
  • auroras
  • finland israel 70
  • shimon biton
  • habima theater
  • deiv salutskij
  • ruut-lea zaban
  • jetflite


  • Lappi


Sanna Kärkkäinen

Press contact Managing Director, Media visit and PR Public relations and inquiries +358 40 576 3414

Salla Tauriainen

Press contact Media visit and PR Coordinator Media visits & inquiries, Tour operator visits, Marketing +358 40 776 2418

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