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Changed by Rovaniemi – Believing in Santa Claus 4/7

In our new “Changed by Rovaniemi”- blog series, we share unique stories from travelers of Rovaniemi. We asked, what makes Lapland so special to them, why they have fallen in love with Lapland, and what makes some of them return time after time. Have a look at the story of Irish Andrew, who’s daughter started to believe in Santa Claus right upon the arrival to Rovaniemi Airport.

Santa Claus with Elves at Post Office at the Arctic Circle in Rovaniemi Lapland Finland (6) (1)

”We first visited in 2016 when our daughters were just 2 and 8. Our eldest had become a non-believer, so what better way to reignite the Christmas and Santa Claus’ magic than by visiting Rovaniemi in Finnish Lapland.”

From the moment that Andrew’s family arrived at Rovaniemi Airport – The Official Home Airport of Santa Claus, he could see his daughter’s doubt turn to belief.

”Later on, our visit to Santa Claus even made me, a complete loather of commercial Christmas, get a warm glow in my heart. I remember feeling quite emotional as we stood with Santa Claus… thoroughly convincing and the time Santa spent talking with our eldest about her schooling, her pets, the things she had achieved, really was special… And even now, three years in, she is a believer!”

Santa Claus Winter 2018 in Rovaniemi Lapland Finland (17) (1)

During their holiday, Andrew and his family enjoyed husky sled rides, reindeer sleigh rides, Snowman World, and more. That time they knew they’d be returning time and time again – which they did, in March 2019 as well as in March 2020, right before the COVID-19 lockdown.

”Our experiences have always been special, and we try to teach our children that the world is a classroom, our motto ‘not all classrooms have 4 walls’. So when we travel we teach them basic language phrases. Over the three visits, we have met a local family, and each visit we’ve been fortunate enough to meet with them, enjoy time at their home, and let our children have fun together. Language is no barrier and our children use Google translate to communicate with the Finnish children.”

Andrew’s family also promotes Rovaniemi regularly on their travel group, which now has over 16 000 members.

Stay tuned for more “Changed by Rovaniemi”- blog series, where we share unique stories from true travelers of Rovaniemi. What will change you?

Missed the previous part of the blog series? Read it here: Arctic Rally 3/7
Have a look at Changed by Rovaniemi Film based on true stories:


  • Adventures


  • christmas
  • travel
  • culture
  • arctic circle
  • lapland
  • father christmas
  • arctic
  • rovaniemi
  • santaclaus
  • visit rovaniemi


  • Lappi


Sanna Kärkkäinen

Press contact Managing Director, Media visit and PR Public relations and inquiries +358 40 576 3414

Salla Tauriainen

Press contact Media visit and PR Coordinator Media visits & inquiries, Tour operator visits, Marketing +358 40 776 2418

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