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Changed by Rovaniemi – Anni and the dogs 5/7

In our new “Changed by Rovaniemi”- blog series, we share unique stories from travelers of Rovaniemi. We asked, what makes Lapland so special to them, why they have fallen in love with Lapland, and what makes some of them return time after time. Have a look at the story of German Anni, who’s dog Sola has met Santa Claus already twice.

Ever thought about taking your pet on a trip? For Anni and her husband Daniel, their Icelandic sheepdogs Elin 1 year (on the left) and Sola 6 years (on the right) make the family complete. For them it was obvious to take them along on a holiday to Lapland.

“We have always loved Scandinavia and especially Iceland – we also got married there when we got Elin. However, you cannot get with ferry to Iceland with dogs, without a quarantine… And for us, it is the most important to be together as a family.”

Anni Lundi's dogs in Lapland Finland

A dream of becoming a worker at Ranua Wildlife Park

After a roadtrip in Scandinavia in 2011, Anni and Daniel decided to visit the countries of northern Europe again every year. With the dogs, travelling with a ferry and own car is also rather easy. The couple has fell in love with Finnish Lapland and its nature, people, tranquility, northern lights as well as the special Lappish cheese. One day they would wish to live in Finland: the couple has also studying Swedish (the other official language of Finland) already for a year. Anni and Daniel both work in Germany as zookeepers and they wish to get a job from Ranua Wildlife Park one day.

Anni Lundi with Santa Claus in Rovaniemi Lapland Finland

Anni’s older dog Sola has visited Santa Claus already two times. In 2020, Anni and Daniel were planning to come again (for 4th time for them) to introduce Elin, the new puppy to Santa Claus, too. However, the global pandemic changed the plans.

“Elin and Sola are both Santa’s little helpers operating in Germany!”

Missed the previous part of the blog series? Read it here: Believing in Santa Claus 4/7
Have a look at Changed by Rovaniemi Film based on true stories:

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  • travel
  • dogs
  • culture
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  • arctic circle
  • lapland
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  • visit rovaniemi
  • true experiences
  • changed by rovaniemi
  • ranua wildlife park


  • Lappi


Sanna Kärkkäinen

Press contact Managing Director, Media visit and PR Public relations and inquiries +358 40 576 3414

Salla Tauriainen

Press contact Media visit and PR Coordinator Media visits & inquiries, Tour operator visits, Marketing +358 40 776 2418

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