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TCS selected by Nokia as a global IT partner

·  Long term partnership to help transform and modernize Nokia’s IT

Mumbai, January 17, 2013: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), (BSE: 532540, NSE: TCS) a leading IT services, consulting and business solutions organization, today announced that it has entered into a long-term agreement with Nokia, a global leader in mobile communications, to help transform its IT landscape.

TCS was selected as a global IT partner after a rigorous selection process aimed at consolidating Nokia’s global internal applications suite with a single provider. The company’s core applications for enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM), product lifecycle management (PLM), supply chain management (SCM), enterprise information management (EIM) and corporate functions (COF) will be supported and developed by TCS across the world.

As a part of this engagement, TCS will work with Nokia in realizing its future IT roadmap, driving consolidation, rationalization and simplification of applications and also enabling business transformation across the core portfolios.  

“Over the years TCS has built a strong reputation as a partner that drives simplification and business enablement using its transformational framework that allows companies to drive significant next generation benefits. This deal with Nokia reflects our capability and commitment to the Nordic region. We are delighted to partner with Nokia and contribute to its future evolution,” said, Amit Bajaj, Head – Nordic and Baltic Region, TCS.

TCS’ Nordic operations comprise over 4,500 professionals working across Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark & Iceland, servicing leading Nordic companies such as Nokia, Ericsson, TDC, ABB, Telenor, NETS and SAS. TCS had recently been recognized by a KPMG survey of 340 top Nordic companies as the #1 company in terms of customer satisfaction for the third consecutive year.

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Global: pradipta.bagchi@tcs.com - Phone: +91 22 6778 9999

India: h.ramachandra@tcs.com | shamala.p@tcs.com  - Phone: + 91 22 6778 9077

APAC: sean.davidson@tcs.com - Phone: +65 9139 3668

USA/Canada: m.mccabe@tcs.com - Phone: +1 646-313-4594

Europe/UK: ashish.babu@tcs.com - Phone +44207245 1800


Tata Consultancy Services is an IT servicesconsulting and business solutions organization that delivers real results to global business, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match. TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of ITBPO,infrastructureengineering and assurance services. This is delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model™, recognised as the benchmark of excellence in software development. A part of the Tata group, India’s largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has over 276,000 of the world’s best-trained consultants in 44 countries. The company generated consolidated revenues of US $11.6 billion for year ended March 31, 2013 and is listed on the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India. For more information, visit us at www.tcs.com.


Roland Bägén

Roland Bägén

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Nordic Head of Marketing & Communication 0046703178024

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

TCS on globaali IT-palveluita, konsultointia ja liiketoimintaratkaisuja tarjoava yhtiö, joka on toiminut monien maailman suurimpien yritysten muutoskumppanina jo yli 56 vuoden ajan.

TCS on osa Tata-konsernia, joka on Intian suurin teollinen monialayritys. TCS työllistää yli 601 000 huippupätevää konsulttia 55 maassa ja sen liikevaihto oli 31.3.2024 päättyneellä tilikaudella 29 miljardia Yhdysvaltain dollaria. TCS on listattu BSE- ja National Stock Exchange -pörsseissä Intiassa. TCS:n proaktiivinen asennoituminen ilmastonmuutokseen ja palkittu työ yhteisöjen hyväksi eri puolilla maailmaa on tuonut yhtiölle aseman merkittävissä kestävän kehityksen mittareissa, kuten MSCI Global Sustainability Index ja FTSE4Good Emerging Index.

TCS Pohjoismaissa

TCS on toiminut Pohjoismaissa vuodesta 1991. Yrityksen suomalaisia, ruotsalaisia, norjalaisia ja tanskalaisia asiakkaita palvelee kaikkiaan 20 000 asiantuntijaa. Viimeksi kuluneiden 15 vuoden aikana TCS:n asiakkaat ovat joka vuosi valinneet yrityksen parhaaksi IT-konsultointipalvelujen toimittajaksi Pohjoismaissa. TCS on myös saanut huipputyönantajan Top Employer -tunnustuksen Suomessa neljä vuotta peräkkäin.

Lisätietoja osoitteessa www.tcs.com.

Tata Consultancy Services TCS

Itämerenkatu 5
00180 Helsinki

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