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Tata Consultancy Services ranked #1 in the Nordic Region for its Customer Centric Model

·  Delivers industry leading growth, Nordic operations double in size since 2010

·  Scores highest among 28 IT service providers with above-average results in every single KPI

Copenhagen, Helsinki, Oslo, Stockholm, April 18, 2012: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), global provider of IT services, consulting and business solutions, announced that it was ranked #1 in Nordic region for customer satisfaction survey based on the IT Outsourcing Study by Whitelane Research. The survey covers CxOs of 350 of the top IT spending organizations in the Nordic region evaluating over 1000 unique IT outsourcing contracts. TCS topped the overall client satisfaction score of 81% and was ranked highest amongst the 28 service providers evaluated with above-average scores in every single KPI.

 “TCS has set gold standard in customer satisfaction over the years in the Nordic region. It is ranked #1 based on the evaluation of 31 contracts, a scale comparable to some of the largest Nordic IT companies. TCS continues to re-define the Nordic IT market through its recent wins such as TDC, Nokia & Norwegian Post. What is even more compelling is how TCS is able to give such high attention to each of its customers and partners so effectively - 89% of TCS customers surveyed perceive being treated as important or strategic” said Jef Loos, Head of sourcing Europe at Whitelane Research.

“Building and maintaining deep customer relationships is the key to TCS’ mission and I am pleased that for the fourth consecutive year we have delivered a consistent performance in the Nordics. TCS has earned the trust of its Nordic clients which is a significant responsibility and a valuable acknowledgement for our efforts on being relevant to our customers in the region.” said Amit Bajaj, Head – Nordic and Baltic Region.

Present in Nordic region since 1991, TCS has continuously invested in the market locally to deliver consistent results to its customers with a level of certainty that no other firm can match. TCS now has more than 5500 consultants working on projects in the Nordic region with over 30% of in-country staff being local nationals. Its scale of operations has doubled since 2010 in the region with significant increase in local hiring.

Earlier this year CRF Institute ranked TCS as the #1 top employer in Europe with an exceptional performance across core HR areas: Primary conditions, Secondary benefits, Working conditions, Training, Career development and Company Culture. The company was also recently positioned among the global “Big Four” IT service brands by Brand Finance with TCS’ brand value standing at US$ 5,247 million in 2013.

About Whitelane Research

Whitelane Research is an independent organisation that is uniquely focused on and dedicated to (out)sourcing research and events in Europe. The IT Outsourcing and IT service provider performance study for the Nordics constitutes of more than 350 participants of the top IT spending organizations in the Nordics. Over 1000 unique IT outsourcing contracts with a total annual value of € 4.5bn were evaluated.

The Nordic study is part of Whitelane’s extensive annual IT outsourcing study in which sourcing executives (CIOs/CFOs) evaluate their outsourcing plans and their service providers. The study is conducted in 13 European countries and presented as a pan-European report. The research provides a comprehensive overview of the IT outsourcing landscape, main sourcing trends, positioning of the main outsourcing service providers based on different key performance factors (KPIs), cloud computing trends, governance and recommendations from the top 20 service providers. For more information, contact Jef Loos, Head Sourcing Europe at Whitelane Research at jef.loos@whitelane.com or visit www.whitelane.com

Tata Consultancy Services also retained #1 service provider in the Nordic region, read more here.

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Tata Consultancy Services is an IT servicesconsulting and business solutions organization that delivers real results to global business, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match. TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of ITBPO,infrastructureengineering and assurance services. This is delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model™, recognised as the benchmark of excellence in software development. A part of the Tata group, India’s largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has over 276,000 of the world’s best-trained consultants in 44 countries. The company generated consolidated revenues of US $11.6 billion for year ended March 31, 2013 and is listed on the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India. For more information, visit us at www.tcs.com.


Roland Bägén

Roland Bägén

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Nordic Head of Marketing & Communication 0046703178024

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

TCS on globaali IT-palveluita, konsultointia ja liiketoimintaratkaisuja tarjoava yhtiö, joka on toiminut monien maailman suurimpien yritysten muutoskumppanina jo yli 56 vuoden ajan.

TCS on osa Tata-konsernia, joka on Intian suurin teollinen monialayritys. TCS työllistää yli 601 000 huippupätevää konsulttia 55 maassa ja sen liikevaihto oli 31.3.2024 päättyneellä tilikaudella 29 miljardia Yhdysvaltain dollaria. TCS on listattu BSE- ja National Stock Exchange -pörsseissä Intiassa. TCS:n proaktiivinen asennoituminen ilmastonmuutokseen ja palkittu työ yhteisöjen hyväksi eri puolilla maailmaa on tuonut yhtiölle aseman merkittävissä kestävän kehityksen mittareissa, kuten MSCI Global Sustainability Index ja FTSE4Good Emerging Index.

TCS Pohjoismaissa

TCS on toiminut Pohjoismaissa vuodesta 1991. Yrityksen suomalaisia, ruotsalaisia, norjalaisia ja tanskalaisia asiakkaita palvelee kaikkiaan 20 000 asiantuntijaa. Viimeksi kuluneiden 15 vuoden aikana TCS:n asiakkaat ovat joka vuosi valinneet yrityksen parhaaksi IT-konsultointipalvelujen toimittajaksi Pohjoismaissa. TCS on myös saanut huipputyönantajan Top Employer -tunnustuksen Suomessa neljä vuotta peräkkäin.

Lisätietoja osoitteessa www.tcs.com.

Tata Consultancy Services TCS

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00180 Helsinki

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