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Tata Consultancy Services and Xyntéo to collaborate on solutions for a low-carbon economy

Mumbai, June 15, 2010: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) (BSE: TCS.BO, NSE: TCS.NS), a leading IT services, business solutions and outsourcing firm, and Xyntéo, a strategic advisory firm specialising in low-carbon growth, announced a collaboration to jointly create solutions for a low-carbon economy. These solutions will be initially built and deployed in the Nordic market.

The partnership will look at find new ways to help companies increase productivity while reducing CO2 emissions along their entire value chains – right through to the final consumer.

"We recognize the need for collaboration to create solutions for our customers that address the challenge of global climate challenge by leveraging technology. With its valuable expertise in low-carbon growth solutions, Xyntéo fits in well as a value partner for TCS.” said A S Lakshminarayanan, Vice President & head of TCS Europe.

The low-carbon economy will depend to a large extent on the world’s ability to deploy IT to decarbonise the way people work and live. By driving energy efficiency and enabling the replacement of high-carbon goods and services with virtual technology, IT could save up to an estimated 15% of total global greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, additionally saving € 600 billion in the process.[1] 

Dr Osvald Bjelland, the Chairman of Xyntéo, added: “As the low-carbon economy takes shape, carbon-efficiency will become more and more central to competitive advantage. Smart IT could deliver significant emissions reductions for individual businesses and thus the global economy as a whole. As a world leader in IT solutions, TCS has a potentially pivotal role to play in making this change a reality.”

About Xyntéo

Xyntéo is an international strategic advisory firm that equips business leaders with knowledge and tools they need to achieve low-carbon growth. Its clients include some of the world’s most respected companies from across a range of industries, among them oil and gas, financial services, shipping and IT.

Xyntéo is the founder of the Global Leadership & Technology Exchange, a business consortium engaged in the pursuit of low-carbon innovation and growth. GLTE partners span three continents and include both Tata Consultancy Services and Tata Sons, along with Acergy, Det Norske Veritas, Deutsche Bank, the Electric Power Research Institute, Gazprom, General Motors, Hess Corporation, PG&E Corporation, Siemens, Statoil, Unilever, Wilh. Wilhelmsen, World Trade Centers Association and Yara.


Media Contacts:


·  Global:  Email: pradipta.bagchi@tcs.com       Phone: +91 22 6778 9999

·  Europe:   Email: abhinav.kumar@tcs.com      Phone: +33 624744313

·  Nordic Region:  Email: suzanna.norberg@tcs.com  Phone: +46 8 503 88 400

·  India:   Email: ashish.babu@tcs.com  Phone: + 91 22 6778 9077


·  Global: Veronica Lie  Email: vl@xynteo.com     Phone: +47 90 77 61 26

[1] “Smart 2020: Enabling the low carbon economy in the information age”, The Climate Group and the Global eSustainability Initiative (GeSI), 2008


Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, business solutions and outsourcing organization that delivers real results to global businesses, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match. TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled services delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model, recognized as the benchmark of excellence in software development. 

A part of the Tata Group, India’s largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has over 160,000 of the world's best trained IT consultants in 42 countries. The Company generated consolidated revenues of over US $6.3 billion for fiscal year ended March 31, 2010 and is listed on the National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange in India. For more information, visit us at www.tcs.com


Roland Bägén

Roland Bägén

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Nordic Head of Marketing & Communication 0046703178024

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

TCS on globaali IT-palveluita, konsultointia ja liiketoimintaratkaisuja tarjoava yhtiö, joka on toiminut monien maailman suurimpien yritysten muutoskumppanina jo yli 56 vuoden ajan.

TCS on osa Tata-konsernia, joka on Intian suurin teollinen monialayritys. TCS työllistää yli 601 000 huippupätevää konsulttia 55 maassa ja sen liikevaihto oli 31.3.2024 päättyneellä tilikaudella 29 miljardia Yhdysvaltain dollaria. TCS on listattu BSE- ja National Stock Exchange -pörsseissä Intiassa. TCS:n proaktiivinen asennoituminen ilmastonmuutokseen ja palkittu työ yhteisöjen hyväksi eri puolilla maailmaa on tuonut yhtiölle aseman merkittävissä kestävän kehityksen mittareissa, kuten MSCI Global Sustainability Index ja FTSE4Good Emerging Index.

TCS Pohjoismaissa

TCS on toiminut Pohjoismaissa vuodesta 1991. Yrityksen suomalaisia, ruotsalaisia, norjalaisia ja tanskalaisia asiakkaita palvelee kaikkiaan 20 000 asiantuntijaa. Viimeksi kuluneiden 15 vuoden aikana TCS:n asiakkaat ovat joka vuosi valinneet yrityksen parhaaksi IT-konsultointipalvelujen toimittajaksi Pohjoismaissa. TCS on myös saanut huipputyönantajan Top Employer -tunnustuksen Suomessa neljä vuotta peräkkäin.

Lisätietoja osoitteessa www.tcs.com.

Tata Consultancy Services TCS

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