SATS continues to grow and reaches a record-high member base of 721 000 members

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SATS continues to grow and reaches a record-high member base of 721 000 members

SATS delivered a strong operational performance in the fourth quarter of 2022 and is comfortable that the financial results will follow subsequently. Strong sales, churn overall in line with historical levels and record high visit numbers proves that people are prioritizing their health despite a challenging macro environment. The positive development in Q4 has continued so far in 2023.

- We are proud to present an – again – record-high member base driven by strong sales and stable churn. Our community is larger than ever, and the activity level is impressive. The average SATS member is more active than ever before, and our members visited us 10,5 million times in Q4. With a promising development in the main operational KPIs, we are confident that the financial results will follow, says Sondre Gravir, CEO of SATS.

SATS counted 275 clubs by the end of Q4 2022, up 13 clubs from the corresponding quarter last year. The member base increased by 13 000 members during the quarter, reaching 721 000 members, 8% higher than last year, and total revenues were NOK 1 082 million in the quarter, up 8% from Q4 2021. 10 new clubs are planned for the next two years.

- Further on, we have initiated a profitability improvement program, and a range of initiatives are launched to counteract the inflationary pressure, following the plan outlined on the Capital Markets Day in October 2022, continues Gravir.

The growth in member base proves a willingness in the Nordic population to prioritize own health, especially in the younger generations. The group of members under 24 years has increased by 17 %, Q4 2019 compared to Q4 2022. Physical activity prevents several lifestyle diseases and in the long run saves society for billions in health care expenditures.

In the past 12 months, SATS members have contributed NOK 18.5 billion in socio-economic welfare gain, only taking into account the members who have reached the WHO’s recommendation for physical activity at SATS alone.

For more information



SATS ja ELIXIA yhdistyivät vuonna 2014 ja muodostivat johtavan kuntokeskusketjun, jonka visiona on vaikuttaa merkittävästi pohjoismaalaisten terveyteen ja elämänlaatuun.

SATS- ja ELIXIA-kuntokeskukset tarjoavat modernia ja toiminnallista harjoittelua, personal trainingia ja ryhmäliikuntatunteja Suomen, Norjan, Ruotsin ja Tanskan suurimmissa kaupungeissa. Pyrimme myös auttamaan jäseniämme harjoittelemaan keskustemme ulkopuolella erilaisten digitaalisten työkalujen avulla. Olemme markkinoillamme aktiivisessa roolissa innovaatioiden kehittäjänä ja lanseeraamme jatkuvasti uusia liikuntamuotoja ja uusia digitaalisia työkaluja treenin tueksi.


Aleksi Virkkunen

Aleksi Virkkunen

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Country Manager ELIXIA Finland +358 40 137 7001
Tina Brodal

Tina Brodal

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Nordic PR Manager +47 93844171

We make people healthier and happier!

SATS group is the leading provider of fitness and training services in the Nordics with 276 clubs in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark. We have 736 000 members and 10 000 employees who is committed to motivate as many people as possible to an active lifestyle.


Kielotie 1-3
01300 Vantaa

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