Uutinen -

Feature updates - LumoFlow - Social Collaboration

First of all happy new year to everyone!

This month we have launched many new features to give your team collaboration a boost.

On top of that we are celebrating our 2 year anniversary by removing limitations of features and users to our FREE version. Now start collaborating with a LumoFlow Starter workspace and invite as many co-workers and enjoy all the features!

Here's a summary of what's new:

+ better usability in groupwork

+ improved user calling

+ automatic acticity feed notifications

+ desktop widgets for personalization

+ increased file size for uploading (up to 100Mb)

Still coming up during the coming weeks:

+ workflows for managing documents

+ invite co-workers or external partners directly in to a group

+ chat functionality

LumoFlow Team


  • Yritystoimi, yleinen


  • staff productivity
  • social media
  • social gaming
  • partner collaboration
  • online collaboration
  • enterprise social networking
  • enterprise 2.0
  • customer collaboration


Bart Schrooten

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Co-founder Marketing and Sales +358 400 5454 87

Liittyvä sisältö

Yritysten yhteisöpalvelu LumoFlow kannustaa työntekijöitä tuloksiin

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Who should be in charge of Social Media?

Social media is a wide concept but in our case we define it as new ways for people to communicate and collaborate across enterprises.
If social media enables better knowledge sharing, more effective communication and better bottom line results then everyone should be driving social media inside the organization. In reality organizations are still made up from processes and structures, thus

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Visit LumoFlow at one of the main software events in the Nordics!

Päivä 16 Marraskuu 2010 10:00 – 18:00

Paikka Scandic Continental in Helsinki