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The core loop of activity in the Arc is skilling and merchanting. You sell the product of your skills to merchants for currency, and invest that currency in voyages to Uncharted Isles to discover better skilling plots and lost treasures of the East.

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You'll begin your journey on the island of Waiko, a merchant hub.

Waiko Market

These are the raw items you gather in the Wushanko Isles, such as bamboo from Woodcutting, tortoise shell from Hunting, or the humble wushroom that grows wild on Uncharted Isles.

Resources can be sold to specific merchants (such as raw fish to the Waiko fish merchant), but resources are not worth anywhere near as many chimes as commodities (see below).

Note that some of these resources, such as bamboo, can be found in your Player Owned Port. The port authority will not allow you to take Ports resources out of Ports.


Resources can be processed with your artisan skills to turn them into commodities, which are more valuable and easier to transport. For example, you could cook raw fish into fish oil or fletch bamboo into stackable bundles.

Commodities are worth more to merchants, which means more chimes to reward the extra effort you put into making them. Arc gumbo, for example, is a stew that uses almost all Arc resources as ingredients, and is well worth the investment when sold to the Waiko cook.

aiko Merchants
To gather and process Arc resources, you'll need level 90+ in the appropriate gathering or artisan skill.


These are the primary currency of the Arc. You'll spend chimes to purchase supplies, and to unlock a variety of rewards.

As with resources, Ports chimes cannot be taken out of your Port.


These are purchased with chimes from the chandler on Waiko, and displayed on the map interface of your ship. You can travel between the local islands of Waiko, Whale's Maw and Aminishi for free, but you'll need supplies to explore an Uncharted Isle. The most valuable islands are furthest from civilisation; the further you travel in search of the richest resources, the more supplies you'll need to reach your destination.


These (in addition to being very difficult to spell) are a secondary currency. They're required to unlock some of the most valuable rewards: notably upgrades. They're awarded from completing finite content such as miniquests, and from plundering rare treasure chests on Uncharted Isles.


Succeed in the Eastern Lands and you’ll earn upgrades (such as a permanent % increase to the chimes you get from selling commodities to merchants), decorations and hotspots for your claimed island, Ports resources and trade goods(!), XP lamps and cosmetics.

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