IVECO ambulance in Finland for COVID-19 patients
IVECO ambulance in Finland for COVID-19 patients

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COVID-19: IVECO at the local communities’ side to counter the spread of the virus in Europe

As the COVID-19 virus is impacting on everybody’s personal and professional lives, the humanitarian challenge becomes increasingly acute. To overcome these challenging times IVECO remains at the side of the communities it operates in, working relentlessly and keeping an open dialogue to provide effective support so that customers and their vehicles can continue to play their important role in ensuring the supply chain operates efficiently.

The IVECO Brand is supporting various local initiatives across Europe to address the challenges raised by the pandemic. Thomas Hilse, IVECO Brand President, stated: “The IVECO Brand is conscious of its social responsibility as one of the world’s largest producers of trucks and buses. Our vehicles enable the transportation of critical goods and help protect local communities across our planet, as well as supporting global food production and the construction of vital infrastructure. We will remain at the side of our communities to support them: because only together, we are unstoppable”.

In Romania, IVECO has offered the use of its demonstration fleet to the authorities. The first three vehicles have been delivered to RED CROSS ROMANIA: two are equipped with freezing units and one is set up with a thermally insulated box for medical equipment transport. Two of the vehicles are fueled with Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and ENGIE Romania has offered to provide fuel free of charge for the period that RED CROSS will use the machines. A fourth vehicle has been offered to the Galati Community Group for the transport of food and sanitary materials for the disabled or the disadvantaged.

In Spain, the IVECO plants are using their 3D printers to produce face mask protectors. More than 400 units have been delivered in a week to hospitals, the Red Cross, care homes and the police. IVECO Spain has also donated personal protection materials, such as masks and gloves, to the regional governments in Madrid and Castilla y León. In the last donation, each plant donated 1,600 surgical masks and 200 FFP2 face masks.

In Italy, IVECO has donated the use of five Daily vehicles until the end of November 2020 to the local Red Cross office in Piedmont the use. The vehicles have been prepared, sanitized and handed over ready to fight the spread of COVID-19. IVECO is also providing the non-profit association “Soccorso dell'Ordine di San Giovanni in Italia” (Sezione di Ciriè) the use of three vehicles free of charge to support its activities.

In Finland, IVECO has donated to Helsinki University Hospital the use of a brand-new IVECO Daily ambulance for the next three months. The ambulance will transport Covid-19 patients for the hospital.

Finally, to support transport professionals in the effort to keep the supply chain operating, the brand is maintaining all its Authorized Dealers and Workshops at their disposal. IVECO technicians and mechanics are working to ensure the best service to customers. Wherever possible, they are conducting telediagnostics and remote repairs on IVECO S-WAY and New Daily vehicles, keeping the vehicles on the road without stoppages or visits to the workshop. To ensure the strict implementation of the sanitary protocol, IVECO recommends that customers make an appointment at their nearest workshop if it is not an emergency, in which case the workshops will respond to their request as soon as possible. For these types of repairs, IVECO will assist customers through its Assistance Non Stop Service.



IVECO on CNH Industrial N.V.-konserniin kuuluva yritys, joka on globaali johtaja kulutustavarasektorilla ja noteerattu New Yorkin pörssissä (New York Stock Exchange, NYSE: CNHI) sekä italialaisessa Mercato Telematico Azionario -pörsissä (MI:CNHI). IVECO kehittää ja valmistaa viimeisimpien teknologioiden avulla laajan valikoiman kevyitä, keskiraskaita ja raskaita ammattiajoneuvoja, työajoneuvoja, maastoautoja sekä muita maastossa käytettäviin erikoistehtäviin tarkoitettuja ajoneuvoja.

Automerkin laajaan valikoimaan kuuluu Daily, 3–7,2 tonnin segmentin ajoneuvo, 6–22 tonnin segmentin Eurocargo, yli 16 tonnin segmenttiin kuuluva maasto-olosuhteisiin tarkoitettu Trakker sekä IVECO WAY -mallisto, johon kuuluvat tietehtäviin tarkoitettu S-WAY ja kevyisiin maastotehtäviin tarkoitettu IVECO X-WAY. Lisäksi IVECOn Astra-merkki valmistaa maastokuorma-autoja, jäykkiä ja nivellettyjä lavakuorma-autoja sekä erityiskäyttöön tarkoitettuja ajoneuvoja.

IVECO työllistää lähes 21000 henkilöä maailmanlaajuisesti. Sillä on toimipisteitä seitsemässä maassa Euroopassa, Afrikassa, Aasiassa, Oseaniassa sekä Latinalaisessa Amerikassa. Kaikissa näissä tuotetaan ajoneuvoja, jotka hyödyntävät viimeisintä ja edistyksellisintä teknologiaa. 4200 myynti-, ja huoltopistettä yli 160 maassa takaavat teknisen tuen, missä ikinä IVECO – ajoneuvoja on käytössä.


Tuomas Viren

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Country Sales Manager IVECO

Iveco on johtava hyötyajoneuvojen valmistaja.

IVECO on Iveco Group N.V. ‑konserniin (MI: IVG) kuuluva yritys. IVECO kehittää ja valmistaa monenlaisia kevyitä, keskiraskaita ja raskaita ammattiajoneuvoja sekä maastoautoja ja muita erikoistehtäviin tarkoitettuja maastoajoneuvoja.

IVECO Finland Oy

Kiilaniityntie 10
02920 Espoo

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