Clubbing TV ja Huawei Video tarjoavat ystävänpäivänä pohjoismaisten DJ-supertähtien EDM-keikkaillan suoraan älylaitteille

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Clubbing TV ja Huawei Video tarjoavat ystävänpäivänä pohjoismaisten DJ-supertähtien EDM-keikkaillan suoraan älylaitteille

Clubbing TV:n lineaarinen live-tv-kanava löytyy nyt ilmaiseksi Huawei Video -suoratoistopalvelusta. Erikoislähetyksessä 14.2. ovat mukana suomalaistähdet Darude ja Orkidea.

Huawein ja Clubbing TV:n strateginen kumppanuus antaa Huawei Video -suoratoistopalvelun käyttäjille pääsyn Clubbing TV:n lineaariseen livekanavaan sekä videoportfolioon. Ystävänpäivänä 14.2.2022 Clubbing TV:llä esitetään tuoreen Pohjoismaisen yhteistyön kunniaksi paikallisia tunnettuja sekä kovassa nosteessa olevia DJ-persoonia, kertomuksia paikallisesta elektronisen musiikin kulttuurista ja artistien erikoisesityksiä. Lähetys on katsottavissa ilmaiseksi Huawei Video -suoratoistopalvelun Clubbing TV -kanavalla.

”Olemme tyytyväisiä voidessamme tarjota asiakkaillemme ilmaiseksi niin globaalisti kuin paikallisesti laajassa suosiossa olevan elektronisen musiikin ja lifestylesisältöjen erikoiskanavaa turvallisesti kotisohvalla tai missä tahansa. Clubbing TV on kuin tämän ajan Music TV, jossa sukelletaan syvälle elektronisen musiikkikulttuurin maailmaan, joka on täynnä audiovisuaalisia elämyksiä, inspiroivia henkilötarinoita sekä paikallisia erikoisuuksia ympäri maailman. Näin pohjoismaisesta näkökulmasta olen erityisen innoissani yhteistyössä Clubbing TV:n kanssa koostamastamme ystävänpäivän lähetyksestä ja erikoisteemakokonaisuudesta, jossa keskitytään pohjoismaisiin huippuartisteihin, kuten modernin Suomen epävirallisen kansallishymnin Sandstormin takana oleva Darude sekä tanskalainen supertuottaja-DJ Morten. Lähetyksessä kuullaan heidän tarinoitaan paikallisesta musaskenestä sekä tietysti tapahtumaa varten toteutettuja erikois-DJ-sessioita”, iloitsee Huawein sisältöpalveluista Pohjoismaissa sekä Keski-ja Itä-Euroopassa vastaava Lauri Ogawa.

“Clubbing TV:n musiikki- ja lifestyle-TV-kanava tarjoaa ylpeänä ensiluokkaista sisältöään Huawei Videon katsojille ympäri maailmaa. Huawei on yksi johtavista älylaitteiden valmistajista maailmanlaajuisesti yli 700 miljoonan älypuhelimen ja tabletin käyttäjän potentiaalisella yleisöllä. Tämän strategisen kumppanuuden ansiosta Clubbing TV laajentuu yli 60 maahan ja tavoittaa uusia elektronisen musiikin harrastajayleisöjä, jotka voivat nauttia Clubbing TV:n parhaista sisällöistä. Olipa kyseessä DJ-setit, festivaalien lähetykset, konsertit tai haastattelut, Clubbing TV on kiistatta kaikkien tanssimusiikin ja elektronisen musiikin ystävien keskipisteenä Huawei Video -palvelussa”, toteaa Clubbing TV:n perustaja, puheenjohtaja ja toimitusjohtaja Stéphane Schweitzer.


Joonas Nurmela, Huawei Technologies Oy, kuluttajaliiketoiminta
Johtava PR- ja viestintäpäällikkö
Puh. 044 750 0084, sähköposti: joonas.nurmela@huawei.com

Lauri Ogawa, Huawei Technologies Oy, Consumer Mobile Services EU
Head of Content Services, Nordics & CEE
Puh. 044 788 7701, sähköposti: lauri.ogawa@huawei.com

Clubbing TV Headquarters, Paris, France
Puh. +33 1 80 84 54 84, sähköposti: info@clubbingtv.com



Lisätietoa Clubbing TV:stä
Clubbing TV on maailman ensimmäinen elektronisen musiikin kulttuurille omistettu Lifestyle-TV-kanava, joka on saatavilla HD-muodossa 24/7, yli 90 maassa (kaapeli, satelliitti, kuitu, DSL, IPTV, OTT, verkko, mobiilisovellukset) sekä Ibizassa ja Formenterassa digitaalisen terrestriaali-tv-kanavan (DTT) kautta. Clubbing TV tarjoaa miljoonille faneille maailmanlaajuisesti eksklusiivisia musiikki- ja elämäntapaohjelmia, mukaan lukien live-lähetykset ikonisilta festivaaleilta, Lifestyle-dokumentteja, musiikkivideoita, haastatteluja, keskusteluohjelmia, live-DJ-settejä ja TV-raportteja kiinnostavista kaupungeista, klubeista ja tapahtumista ympäri maailman.

Lisätietoa Huawei Videosta:
Huawei Video on nykyaikainen videoiden suoratoistopalvelu ja sisällönjakelukanava. Sen visio on toimia jokapäiväisenä kumppanina, jonka tavoitteena on täyttää käyttäjien viihde-, informaatio-, inspiraatio- ja rentoutumistarpeet. Palvelu pyrkii tarjoamaan laadukkaan ja kattavan mediakokemuksen sekä laajan katalogin videosisältöjen suoratoistoa varten.

Käyttäjät voivat valita Huawei Videon monipuolisesta videosisällöstä katseltavakseen uusia menestyselokuvia, laadukkaita kotimaisia ja kansainvälisiä elokuvia ja sarjoja, lastenohjelmia, konsertteja, musiikkidokumentteja ja live-tapahtumia, uutisia, urheilun kohokohtia ja erilaisia viihdesisältöjä. Valittavana on suuri valikoima premium-sisältöpaketteja oman maun ja mielialan mukaan. Suurin osa sisällöstä on ilmaista ja se on käyttäjien saatavilla heti.

Huawei Video -suoratoistopalvelulla on yli 200 miljoonaa aktiivista kuukausittaista käyttäjää maailmanlaajuisesti. Palvelun eurooppalainen käyttäjäkunta on kasvanut nopeasti sen jälkeen, kun se tuli saataville 12 Euroopan maassa keväällä 2020. Tällä hetkellä Huawei Video on saatavilla available maailmanlaajuisest 180 maassa painottuen Eurooppaan, Aasian ja Tyynenmeren alueelle, Lähi-itään, Afrikkaan sekä Latinalaisen Amerikan maihin. Palvelu on saatavilla käyttäjille, joilla on Huawei-älypuhelin tai -tabletti, jossa on EMUI 5.x tai uudempi versio asennettuna.

Lisätietoa palvelusta: https://consumer.huawei.com/en/mobileservices/video/

Lisätietoa Huawei Consumer Business Group -liiketoimintayksiköstä:
Huawein innovatiivisia tieto- ja viestintäteknologian tuotteita ja palveluja on saatavilla yli 170 maassa, ja niitä käyttää jo kolmasosa maailman väestöstä. Huawei nousi vuoden 2018 toisella kvartaalilla maailman toiseksi suurimmaksi puhelinvalmistajaksi toimitettujen puhelinten kappalemäärissä mitattuna.

Huaweilla on globaalisti 15 tutkimus- ja tuotekehityskeskusta mm. Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Saksassa, Venäjällä, Kiinassa, Intiassa ja Yhdysvalloissa. Suomessa Huawein edistykselliset tutkimus- ja tuotekehityskeskukset sijaitsevat Helsingissä ja Tampereella. Huawei työllistää maailmanlaajuisesti yli 195 000 henkilöä, joista yli 80 000 työskentelee tutkimuksen ja tuotekehityksen parissa.

Huawein Consumer Business Group on yksi Huawein liiketoimintayksiköistä, joka tuottaa korkealuokkaisia älypuhelimia, tietokoneita, tabletteja, puettavaa älyteknologiaa ja pilvipalveluita. Huawein maailmanlaajuinen verkosto on rakennettu yli 30 vuoden kokemuksella televiestintäteollisuudesta, ja yhtiö on omistautunut toimittamaan innovatiivisimpia teknologisia ratkaisuja kuluttajille ympäri maailmaa. Vuonna 1987 perustettu Huawei on yksityinen yritys ja täysin työntekijöidensä omistama.

Lue lisää: https://consumer.huawei.com/fi/

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About Darude:

To date, Darude remains one of dance music's most influential stars. At the age of 24 and the height of the trance boom of the early '00s, Finnish DJ / artist/producer Ville Virtanen created the milestone single 'Sandstorm' under his pseudonym Darude. The track became one of the biggest selling dance singles in electronic dance music history, with global sales of over 10 million units and more than 500 million streams, making it one of the biggest trance records of all time.

What started as a national release in Darude's native home of Finland became a worldwide phenomenon taking 'Sandstorm' to #1 on the Finnish Dance Chart, a spot that it would dominate for 17 weeks. Released in June 2000 by Neo Records, the track would see Darude become the first Finnish artist to reach the Top 3 positions on the UK singles chart. Following this,' Sandstorm' went on to go Platinum and became the 'World's best-selling 12" vinyl' of 2000. The track attained cult-like status and gained strong support from industry heavyweights such as Radio 1's Pete Tong, Tiësto and Paul van Dyk, as well receiving phenomenal radio support from national stations in over 70 countries. Still swelling in sales today 'Sandstorm' achieved Gold status in digital sales in the US in 2010 and re-entered the UK Top 40 Dance Chart in 2011, later going Platinum in the UK in 2015. Whilst finding new supporters in Calvin Harris, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Zane Lowe, Hardwell, Diplo and David Guetta.

The success of his first three singles ('Sandstorm', 'Out of Control' and 'Feel the Beat') led to the release of Darude's debut artist album, 'Before the Storm'. The album would go double Platinum in Finland and Gold in Canada, and an extensive 9-month worldwide tour throughout Europe, Australasia, and Asia supported the album release. In the spring of 2002, he followed up this world tour by embarking on a 7-week live show tour across North America – a daring project but one that paid off, solidifying his name throughout the North America club scene.

In 2003 Darude released his 2nd artist album 'Rush'. The first two singles from the album titled 'Music' and 'Next to You' conquered the #1 position on various charts across Europe. In 2006, after several years on the road, Darude went back into the studio to work on his 3rd artist album, aptly titled, 'Label This!'. Released in the fall of 2007 in Scandinavia, fall 2008 in the USA and then globally in spring 2009, the album was a melting pot of the modern sound of Darude.

His resume of accolades is a testament to the exponential growth of his profile as an international artist. Over the years, he's appeared on TV networks such as the BBC, NBC, CNN, and MTV. In addition, he has won several prestigious awards that include 2 x German Dance Awards, Dance Star Award, USA Golden Turntable DJ Award and is a 3 x Finnish Grammy Award winner. His name has also appeared in numerous public-voted polls with previous entries in the Top 100 DJs Poll and Americas Favourite DJ.

With appearances globally across radio and TV, the sound of Darude has featured heavily in various Hollywood movies, adverts for Nike, PlayStation games and popular sporting broadcasts like the NFL, Ice Hockey World Championships, Wimbledon, UFC (used by former champion Wanderlei Silva), Tottenham Hot Spurs, Euro 2000 and the 2006 Winter Olympics and video game series DJ Hero. Darude integrated himself even further into the world of gaming and apps. Darude joined names including Latino sensation Shakira and iconic rock band Green Day inhaving his very own, in-play character come to life on the game, complete with Darude's signature look, the first electronic music artist to do so.

Hailed by the likes of DJ Mag as "Finland's biggest musical export", Darude has gone on to perform in front of audiences up to 100,000 people strong, sweeping across continents and rocking clubs the world over. From appearing at prestigious festivals and events such as Tomorrowland, Parookaville, Dancefestopia, Colors Festival, Radio 1's One Big Sunday, Groove Cruise, Weekend Festival Baltic, and Future Music Festival, to headlining some of the world's best clubs, including Ministry of Sound, Exchange LA, Home, Government and Rain. One of the proudest DJ highlights must be his New Year's Eve countdown set in Helsinki, where Darude ushered in 2017 with a performance in front of 100,000 people as part of the celebrations of 100 years of Finnish independence.

2015 saw the completion of Darude's 4th artist album 'Moments', a new and exciting chapter in his career that showcases a range of styles and influences, featuring both song-led and club-focused records, including the vibrant and trancey sounds he's become so synonymous for. The 'Moments' era of Darude's career began with the widely acclaimed first single from the album' Beautiful Alien', followed by the album's release through Warner Music

That same year, he embarked on his Moments tour, playing dates across North America, culminating in a headline slot alongside deadmau5at the after-party for the inaugural TwitchCon gaming and tech in San Francisco. In the build-up to TwitchCon, Darude joined deadmau5' for one of his famous 'Coffee Run' videos, which saw the pair chatting all things music. The Canadian DJ noted Darude's almost unmatched influence on the dance music scene in North America, stating that "you (Darude) and a very select few others are responsible for the influx of electronic music into North America…it was Sandstorm – I'm totally being serious… that's what all the clubs were hitting on. That's the first time (electronic music) became less 'underground and cool '...there wasn't anything before that". Darude returned the following year to headline TwitchCon's 2016 event alongside Dim Mak boss Steve Aoki.

The 'Moments' album title track received its official release in 2016. With Sebastian Reyman on vocals, the stadium setting record delivered a vibrant yet dramatic tone with a heart-piercing melody that encapsulated the Finnish producer's forward-facing style. What followed was a body of new music that showcased Darude's diverse musical range. These singles include 'Singularity', a remix of Max Millian's 'You Are The One', and one of his biggest tracks in recent years' Surrender'. Collaborating with Ashley Wallbridge and released on Gareth Emery's Garuda imprint, the track was premiered on Armin van Buuren's ASOT and claimed the #1 spot in the Beatport Trance charts.

Over the years, more music has followed, including another Garuda release titled 'Timeless', which equally drew much support from his peers and fans alike, 'Hide' on Magik Muzik and a drum and bass remix of Gabriel & Dresden single 'Twelve' on Anjunabeats. Ever the experimentalist with his music, Darude accepted an invite to represent his home country Finland in the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest held in Tel Aviv - the world's biggest live music event uniting some 200 million people every May. Working with The Giant Leap frontman Sebastian Rejman, Darude appeared at Eurovision with the nation's selected song 'Look Away'. The song was one of three possible options that included 'Release Me' and 'Superman' and signed to Armada Music.

With further touring across North America, Australasia and beyond, Darude has continued to enthral crowds worldwide, making further appearances at notable events such as Dreamstate SoCal, Ministry of Sound Australia and Tomorrowland. What lies ahead for Darude and his fans is a chapter of new music and more multi-city tours and festival dates.


Danish DJ and producer Morten Breum has built a new brand of dance music culture with his pioneering Future Rave sound in collaboration with superstar DJ and world-renowned music producer David Guetta. Their vibrant sound has inspired the likes of Kygo, Tiësto, Nicky Romero and has brought a wave of new energy into the DJ community and fans of electronic music. Combining an array of hard-edged underground dance music styles, it’s a vibrant cocktail of sound that has also brought new inspiration to Guetta, providing him with another avenue for his creative expression away from the pressures of the mainstream. Their massive ‘New Rave’ EP received plaudits far and wide.

MORTEN’s incredible production skills and the inimitable vibe at his performances haven’t gone unnoticed by dance media and fans alike. Since clubs and festivals reopened, he has wowed crowds at Tomorrowland and on tour across the US, with a key date at Electric Daisy Carnival just around the corner. While his appearance on various live streams helped him gain this illustrious newcomer award, his return to the live arena is what really catapulted him into the upper reaches of the poll, and next year you can expect even bigger and better things from him as a DJ and producer.

MORTEN has kept his incredibly innovative and trademarked sound ringing through platforms across the globe. He has gathered an audience of 4.7M monthly listeners on Spotify alone, releasing hit after hit with the Guetta-collab being on top 5 of the most played records in the world by DJ’s for 7 weeks. His ability to transform his music between melodic, captivating vocals and his well known, recognized snare and bass heavy drops set him apart from most artists.

He also has had amazing success with his merchandise collection “BBA”, the most successful merchandise line in Denmark, which has sold out within hours after each collection has dropped. He continues to prove his artistry spans even further by having his own resident radio show “Future Friday” with Tomorrowland’s One World Radio.

About Orkidea:

Orkidea has been one of Scandinavia’s leading DJs since the early 90s. He is best known for his unique blend of trance and progressive: credible and firmly rooted in the underground origins of trance.

His music has been supported by a wide variety of DJs from the ultimate taste makers such as Pete Tong and Sasha to stadium filling titans Armin van Buuren and Tiesto. All artists that he has enjoyed sharing the stage with too.

Tapio Hakanen aka Orkidea has released four full length albums for Black Hole, AVA and Universal Music. He is best known for classics such as Unity, YearZero and Nana and timeless remixes of Way Out West’s Killa, Aalto’s Rush and Tiesto’s Flight 643.

Lately he has been one of the key creative forces in Solarstone’s Pure Trance movement and has had the pleasure of mixing the first compilation, releasing on the label and performing at their high profile events around the globe. Orkidea is also member of the critically acclaimed VII dj collective. Throughout his career, Orkidea has been voted seven times as #1 DJ in Finland and two times the most popular DJ in Scandinavia and made it to the DJ Mag Top 200 and Tranceaddict Top 100 lists. He has had 32 Beatport Top 100 tracks, one iTunes #1 album, a Finnish singles chart #1 and a Beatport Trance #1 single under his belt alongside over 30 million plays in YouTube, SoundCloud and Spotify. Since his first gigs at illegal squat house underground raves in 1992, Orkidea has played over 2000 gigs around the world at legendary venues such as Ministry of Sound in London, Cafe del Mar in Ibiza, Tresor in Berlin, Pacha in Buenos Aires and Avalon in Los Angeles, as well as some of world’s most prestigious events including Dreamstate USA, Luminosity, Transmission and Amsterdam ADE. Between his peers, he is known as being driven by his constant need to evolve and create. Something he fulfills by uniting, supporting and inspiring the people and movements he is passionate about. Dedication to the scene and ethos of “Forward Forever, Backwards Never” has kept Orkidea moving and progressing for over twentyfive years and it’s still what keeps him as relevant and credible as ever.

About Ørjan Nilsen:

Dedicated, hardworking, and energetic – three words that sum up what Norwegian artist Ørjan Nilsen is about. He has spent the last decade or so delighting audiences across the planet with his take on what a 21st century DJ should represent.

Born in 1982 in the town of Kirkenes, Ørjan was never in doubt with regards to what he wanted to do with his life. Having listened to countless CD compilations and witnessing some of the legends in action, he was certain that the DJ booth would be his calling.

Forming a bond with Dutch label Armada Music early in his career, his first release on the imprint was ‘Red Woods’, a track put out in 2006 under his DJ Governor alias. Over the years Ørjan found his groove, flashing samples of his huge potential, with classics such as ‘La Guitarra’ (2008), ‘Lovers Lane’ and ‘So Long Radio’ (both 2010). He went on to release his first full-length album, ‘My Opinion’, in 2011, following this up with ‘No Saint Out of Me’ in 2013 and the multi-genre infused ‘Prism’ in 2018.

Affectionately known as the Norwegian Trance Viking, he celebrated ten years at Armada Music in 2016 by releasing a series of remix EPs featuring some of his most recognisable hits from over the years. The likes of ‘Between the Rays’, ‘Endymion’ and ‘Hands’ all received the remix treatment from some of the scene’s freshest talents.

A strong year for collaborations, his track ‘Los Capos’ with Colombian producer KhoMha owned the charts for more than four months, preceding his second team-up with superstar Armin van Buuren on ‘Flashlight’.

The following year saw the release of his top single to date. ‘Iconic’ was voted #25 in the 2017 A State of Trance Tune of The Year, followed by a series of single releases from aforementioned album ‘Prism’. Meanwhile his remix of Loud Luxury’s ‘Body’ hit the 5 million streams mark in just a few months.

As a DJ, Nilsen has become synonymous with an infectious blend of all things chunky and groovy. His energy and presence behind the decks have taken him around the world, playing at some of the finest clubs and biggest festivals, from Sao Paulo to Sydney and everywhere in between.

Showing no signs of taking his foot off the gas, Nilsen has released a string of singles in 2019 including trance-driven hits ‘Fomo’, ‘The Chosen One’ and ‘Don’t Need To Know Your Name’ – all leading up to the release of his fourth studio album, The Devil Is In The Detail.

With an album release party on the way during one of dance music’s biggest event - ADE - one thing is certain, there is no stopping this Norwegian globetrotter. Determined to surprise, amaze and entertain, Ørjan Nilsen is on a mission both in the studio and the DJ booth - you don’t want to miss out.


Sofia Björnerfors

Sofia Björnerfors

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Nordic PR Manager Lehdistökontakti +46 (0) 739 205 405

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Huawei Consumer Business Group on yksi Huawein liiketoimintayksiköistä, joka tuottaa korkealuokkaisia älypuhelimia, tietokoneita, tabletteja, puettavaa älyteknologiaa ja pilvipalveluita. Huawein maailmanlaajuinen verkosto on rakennettu yli 30 vuoden kokemuksella televiestintäteollisuudesta, ja yhtiö on omistautunut toimittamaan innovatiivisimpia teknologisia ratkaisuja kuluttajille ympäri maailmaa. Vuonna 1987 perustettu Huawei on yksityinen yritys ja täysin työntekijöidensä omistama.

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