By using sensors in the existing lighting architecture, the combined smart systems creates an expanded granular alarm detection.
By using sensors in the existing lighting architecture, the combined smart systems creates an expanded granular alarm detection.

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Fagerhult X Securitas

Together with Securitas, Fagerhult is presenting a collaborative solution where we combine smart lighting control with security. By taking advantage of existing lighting architecture, with extended functionality, the systems' management of flows and resources in the event of incidents and evacuations is facilitated.

We deliver two kinds of solutions, one offline and one online, that in different ways provide the tools for secure and effective responses to emergencies. In the event of fires or accidents, the systems locate employees still inside the building – or see where unwelcome intrusions may have occurred.

"Using existing installations not only saves on installation time – it is also a more effective and sustainable way of utilizing the technology," says Andreas Tolf, Product and Application Manager, Fagerhults Belysning AB. "By using existing sensors and devices, we gain expanded granular alarm detection in buildings. At the same time as we save on both materials and labour."

"The capability to densify detection points in buildings and spaces with the lighting solution, provides improved conditions for security personnel in making informed decisions," says Kristian Lundin, PSP, Senior Business Development Manager. "These solutions can detect presence/absence even in sensitive spaces such as WCs, which can be crucial in an evacuation situation. Our ambition is to always increase the safety of the individual, and this collaborative solution provides an intelligent way of providing better overviews."

Burglar alarm integration

This offline solution is based on Organic Response's use of infrared communications in linking devices. The integrated sensor nodes in a building's luminaires automatically create a mesh network linked to a gateway, which can communicate directly with Securitas alarm systems. The benefit here is in gaining expanded granular alarm detection as well as a more comprehensive overview of the building without installing more security hardware.

In addition to reporting presence data in different parts of the building, the system also reports when no one is there. This function enables the alarm system to start automatically, instead of with a preset timer, which reduces the risk of activating the alarm when people are still in the building.

Presence Concept

Besides burglar alarm integration, there is also an online solution called Presence Concept. This is also based on an Organic Response solution, and is appropriate for portal-connected websites. With the connection, Securitas staff at operations centres can view the premises in real time with a heat map. The overview is automatically generated on operations centre screens if an alarm is triggered, allowing staff to make faster and more informed decisions in emergency situations. In the event of an evacuation, this is an excellent tool in managing flows and utilizing personnel.

Presence Concept can be used at sites individually or as an add-on to BAI.

We value your privacy

All smart innovations are based on data flows. However, none of these solutions store or use the information for anything other than for producing real-time overviews. The systems comply with all privacy directives and GDPR, and are only there to increase your safety.

This collaboration is currently available in Sweden and Norway.

Contact at Securitas

Kristian Lundin
PSP, Senior Business Development Manager, Securitas

Fagerhult kehittää, valmistaa ja markkinoi ammattimaisia valaistusratkaisuja julkisiin ympäristöihin, kuten toimistoihin, kouluihin, myymälöihin, teollisuuteen ja sairaaloihin, niin sisä- kuin ulkotiloihin. Valaistusosaamisemme yhdistettynä laajaan valikoimaan innovatiivisia, energiatehokkaita ja ympäristöystävällisiä valaistusratkaisuja tekevät meistä luonnollisen kumppanin kaikenlaisille valaistusprojekteille. Fagerhult on osa Fagerhult-konsernia, joka on yksi Euroopan johtavista valaistusyrityksistä, jolla on 4 700 työntekijää 28 maassa ympäri maailmaa.


Ulla Alatalo

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Markkinointikoordinaattori +358 40 9007 444

Light for better living.

Fagerhult kehittää, valmistaa ja markkinoi ammattimaisia valaistusratkaisuja julkisiin ympäristöihin, kuten toimistoihin, kouluihin, myymälöihin, teollisuuteen ja sairaaloihin, niin sisä- kuin ulkotiloihin. Valaistusosaamisemme yhdistettynä laajaan valikoimaan innovatiivisia, energiatehokkaita ja ympäristöystävällisiä valaistusratkaisuja tekevät meistä luonnollisen kumppanin kaikenlaisille valaistusprojekteille. Fagerhult on osa Fagerhult-konsernia, joka on yksi Euroopan johtavista valaistusyrityksistä, jolla on 4 700 työntekijää 28 maassa ympäri maailmaa.

Fagerhult Oy

Mannerheimintie 113
Helsinki 00280

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