On the way to new vehicles of the future: AGM batteries on the production line at Clarios.      Photo: Clarios
On the way to new vehicles of the future: AGM batteries on the production line at Clarios. Photo: Clarios

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On the way to new vehicles of the future: Clarios drive automotive industry forward

Clarios offers full battery portfolio for future market developments where 12-volt batteries play a critical role in reaching fuel-saving and sustainability goals, and provides power for safety and sustainability features in hybrid and electric vehicles.

The European Union’s 2050 climate neutrality mandate has put a spotlight on next-generation vehicles, including start-stop, hybrid and fully electric. This increased focus has also shone a lighton battery systems and their critical role in supporting market forces that shape the industry.

With a complete portfolio of automotive battery products, Clarios is positioned to support the sustainability strategies forboth its originalequipment and aftermarket customers across all vehicle powertrains.

12-volt batteries are essential for electric vehicles

Electric vehicles and full hybrids rely on an advanced 12-volt battery to handle increased electrical loads and critical safety functions. 12-voltsolutions support the electrical system when the main battery is switched off or failing.

If the high-voltage system fails, the battery can support critical safety systems,such as power steering, lights and power breaking.Currently, about90 million new cars per year are equipped with 12-volt solutions worldwide.

As drivers increasingly utilize emerging technologies to control automatic vehicle monitoring and operation systems, the need for advanced low-voltage power solutions will continue to grow.

“The trends in the electric and autonomous driving vehicle industry are a tailwind for our business,” said Olaf Dieleman, Director Engineering EMEA at Clarios. “Therefore, our batteriesare designed to support electric vehicles, including driverless vehicles. They already have sufficient spare capacity to reliably supply future demands.”

AGM, EFBbattery technology suitable for current and future car types

Absorbent glass mat (AGM) batteriesas well as enhanced flooded batteries (EFB) are an essential part of the Clarios portfolio, since they remain in great demand in the field of combustion engines.Today, more than 90 percent of all new vehicles in Europe are equipped with fuel-saving start-stop technology. Eighty percent of new start-stop vehicles already have an AGM or EFB battery from Clarios.

These figures will no doubt increase as start-stop systems become thepreferredtechnology for both the original equipment andaftermarket sectors.

As the driving force behind current environmental developments, start-stop technology is a key fuel-saving solution. Conventional batteries cannot provide the required energy during start-stop because their cycle life is reduced when charge levels fall below 80 percent.

With a cycle life up to three times longer than conventional batteries, Clarios AGM and EFB batteries are ideal for the high-energy demands of current and future vehicles.

A sustainable future starts with sustainable products

Industry developments and new applications have led to an increasing volume of batteries globally. Given this increased demand, Clariosdrivesindustry leadership and best practices around the responsible usage, recycling and repurposing of battery materials.

Lead batteries are the most recycled consumer product, more than paper, cardboard or glass. Through a collaboration with customers and partners, Clarios has pioneered a closed-loop collection system for designing, building, recovering and recycling vehicle batteries to create a more efficient and sustainable approach to energy storage. Its batteries are designed with the ability to recover up to 99 percent of the materials used to make them, which enables Clarios to make new batteries from materials collected from old batteries. 



Clarios, formerly Johnson Controls Power Solutions, is a world leader in advanced energy storage solutions. We partner with our customers to meet increasing market demand for smarter applications, on a global scale. Our 16,000 employees develop, manufacture and distribute a portfolio of evolving battery technologies for virtually every type of vehicle. Technologies that deliver uniquely sustainable, next-generation performance, and bring reliability, safety and comfort to everyday lives. We add value at every link in the supply chain, contributing to the progress of the communities we serve and the planet we all share. Learn more about Clarios at www.clarios.com


Erica Fernqvist

Erica Fernqvist

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Marketing Manager Nordics and Baltics +46 70 429 60 16

Christian Kulmala

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Sales Manager Finland +358-(0)40-5148007

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Clarios on maailman johtava ajoneuvoissa käytettävien edistyneiden matalajänniteakkujen valmistaja.

Kehitämme yhä älykkäämpiä ratkaisuja käytännöllisesti katsoen kaikenlaisiin ajoneuvoihin. Meillä on 16 000 työntekijää yli 100 maassa. Tarjoamme vankkaa asiantuntemusta jälkimarkkina- ja OEM-kumppaneillemme ja tuotamme samalla turvallisuutta, varmuutta ja mukavuutta arkeen. Ympäristö- ja yhteiskuntavastuu ovat meillä keskiössä. Toteutamme sitä muun muassa kunnianhimoisen kestävyystyön kautta, jota jaamme edelleen toimialallamme. Keräämme, kierrätämme ja hyödynnämme uudelleen jopa 99 prosenttia akkujemme materiaaleista. Clarios on Brookfield Business Partners -yhtiön tytäryhtiö.


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