New Nordic Film Festival Offers 15 Seconds of Fame

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New Nordic Film Festival Offers 15 Seconds of Fame

Today, less is more. A new ultra-short film festival powered by Canon kicks-off in the Nordics inviting everyone with a dream of being a film director to take their 15 seconds of fame. The first prize is worth EUR 3.449 and provides personal training to support your film career dreams. Start shooting and share your story today.

On November, a new short film festival airs in the Nordics - The Fifteen Second Film Festival. Everyone can attend, and the rules are simple: shoot a 15-second snap film and share it on Instagram. An experienced film jury chaired by award-winning film director, Pernille Rose Grønkjær, reviews all entries to find the next new Nordic film prodigy. Besides the honor of being crowned the first ever, ‘Canon Nordic Filmmaker’, the best film also wins camera equipment worth EUR 3.440 and individual training on how to use and get the story to shine with the professional camera gear from Canon.

All entries must have a narrative and cannot exceed 15 seconds. 

In today’s society we have gone from long length videos to ultra-short videos, but the stories we tell keep growing. Therefore, we have created a new Nordic film festival celebrating the art of saying more with less and in a video format. At Canon we live for storytelling – we know that a photo or a short video says more than a million words. Our aim is to catapult the winner into stardom and facilitate the beginning of a career within the field of visual story-telling,” says Jenni Lindström, Marketing Director at Canon Imaging Technologies & Communications, Nordic & Baltics.

The New Nordic Hemingway?

Canon draws on the genius of legendary American author, Ernest Hemingway, for the idea for the Fifteen Second Film Festival. Hemingway is famous for his six-word story: ‘For Sale: Baby shoes. Never worn.’ Hemingway showed that if you choose to focus, you can tell a grand story in a limited space. This is the core of the new Nordic film campaign. Jury chairwoman, Danish documentary film-maker Pernille Rose Grønkjær, is excited about the ultra-short video format and sees great creative potential in the 15-seconds time restrictions.

“Creativity can often benefit from restrictions because it forces you to take choices. Kill your darlings. For the stronger story. I expect that we will see some fantastic films and hopefully find a diamond in the rough, that over time can become the next big Nordic filmmaker,” as Pernille Rose Grønkjær, Jury chair-woman for The Fifteen Second Film Festival.

Ready on set, action!

The Fifteen Second Film Festival campaign entry period starts on November and ends on December 1st, 2019. Read more at Canons Instagram account (@canonnordic) and submit your 15-second film already by sharing your film on Instagram with the hashtag #15secondfilmfestival and tagging @canonnordic. Remember that your account must be “open” for the the jury to find and rate your film. The winner will be announced on December 19th 2019.


  • Individual training in the magic of using professional camera gear by Canon
  • A Canon EOS R camera + RF 24-105 mm F4L IS USM lens
  • Film featured on the Canon Nordic’s website

More information:






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Olli Turtiainen

Olli Turtiainen

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Product Intelligence Professional Tuotteet, lehdistö, koulutukset +358 40 771 6226
Teija Tamminen-Saremaa

Teija Tamminen-Saremaa

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Communications Professional PR, viestintä, sosiaalinen media +358 40 717 5604
Canon Oy

Huopalahdentie 24
00350 Helsinki

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