Judges review competition entries 2017
Judges review competition entries 2017

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Canon’s New Cosmos of Photography competition 2018 is open for entries

The New Cosmos of Photography is open to entrants globally and is Canon’s cultural project to discover, nurture and support new photographers. Since its launch in 1991, the programme has encouraged participants to explore new and creative ways to engage with photography. Last year’s Grand Prize winners came first time from Europe.

The New Cosmos of Photography encourages participants to create original pieces of work that push the boundaries of photography. Award winners will have their work featured at exhibitions and published collections, as well on the New Cosmos of Photography website. To date, the New Cosmos of Photography contest has accepted 27,406 entries, many of whom have gone on to achieve international success through their work. As a result, the contest is today regarded as a gateway to success for new photographers.

Entries for this year’s New Cosmos of Photography will be accepted between 18 April and 6 June 2018. The Excellence Award Selection Committee will meet in July to choose seven Excellence Award winners and 14 Honorable Mention Award winners. In November, the Grand Prize selection committee is scheduled to meet to decide the Grand Prize winner from among the seven Excellence Award-winning entries.

The Grand Prize winner of this year’s competition will receive JPY 1 million in prize money and a Canon product. In addition, the winner will have the opportunity to host a solo exhibit to launch the exhibition of winning 2018 entries for next year’s New Cosmos of Photography. To encourage the continued pursuit of their creative activities, 2018 Excellence Award and Honorable Mention Award winners will also receive prize money and the chance to display their works at this year’s exhibition of winning entries.



Canon invests heavily in R&D to deliver the richest and most innovative products and services to satisfy customers’ creative needs. From amateur photographers to professional print companies, Canon enables each customer to realize their own passion for image.


Olli Turtiainen

Olli Turtiainen

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Product Intelligence Professional Tuotteet, lehdistö, koulutukset +358 40 771 6226
Teija Tamminen-Saremaa

Teija Tamminen-Saremaa

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Communications Professional PR, viestintä, sosiaalinen media +358 40 717 5604
Canon Oy

Huopalahdentie 24
00350 Helsinki

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