Canon launches Sumire Prime series – seven new PL mount cinema prime lenses

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Canon launches Sumire Prime series – seven new PL mount cinema prime lenses

Canon Europe today announces the launch of its Sumire* Prime lens series – a range of seven fast T-stop cinema prime lenses, all with an interchangeable PL mount, which can be modified to an EF mount**. Bolstering its cinematography offering, the new lenses - CN-E14mm T3.1 FP X, CN-E20mm T1.5 FP X, CN-E24mm T1.5 FP X, CN-E35mm T1.5 FP X, CN-E50mm T1.3 FP X, CN-E85mm T1.3 FP X and CN-E135mm T2.2 FP X – are compatible with any PL mount cinema cameras equipped with either a 35mm full-frame format sensor or a Super 35mm format sensor, including selective Cinema EOS cameras. With their newly designed cinematic look and unified warm colour tone, these prime lenses are designed to enhance creativity and operability in the cinema industry. The Sumire Prime series enters the market as cinematographers aim to meet increasing demands for high-quality content with a more creative, personal and expressive feel.

Optical excellence: Canon’s newly designed cinematic look

Built with Canon’s heritage of optical excellence at the forefront, the seven prime lenses offer new imaging capabilities for those working in the cinema industry. Devoted to detail, they feature a large diameter aspheric element and anomalous dispersion glass, offering a delicate, velvety nuance when the aperture approaches its maximum setting during shooting. This unique optical design results in solid and natural image rendering, bringing impressive image quality and warmer tones to cinema productions. Supporting an 11-blade iris, all the lenses feature precise manual control, providing cinematographers with richer levels of rounded bokeh for better impression of subjects and softer rays of light – perfect for creating intimate shots that direct the viewer’s attention to specific details. Thanks to their large lens diameter, a brighter T-number is possible, making these lenses an ideal choice for filming in challenging low light scenes – as well as capturing the scene with a distinctive shallow depth of field – when ambience and atmosphere is essential.

PL mount with full-frame coverage

The Sumire Prime lenses come with an interchangeable PL mount, which can be changed to an EF mount and back to PL. This option offers widespread compatibility options for professional filmmakers using full-frame and Super 35mm cameras – responding to the needs of the industry, shooting anything from drama productions to high-end cinema, either in studio or on location. The lenses’ compatibility with Canon’s world-renowned Cinema EOS System, Canon’s flagship full-frame Cinema EOS camera – the C700 FF – and other third-party cinema full-frame cameras helps users produce future-proofed, premium quality footage.

Carefully designed for reliability and consistency

The Sumire Prime series lenses inherit the same subtle, warm colour tone as Canon’s full Cinema lens range. Such compatibility makes it easier for cinematographers to interchange lenses on a production without affecting colour tone. Whilst shooting on busy sets, this unity reduces the need for time-extensive post-grading ensuring consistency across shots – no matter what lens is used. All seven prime lenses adopt the 0.8 pitch lens gears for both iris and focus rings and are positioned consistently on the lens. In addition to this, the lenses have the same front diameter, eliminating the need to adjust rigging accessories when replacing lenses. All lenses also have carefully developed focus resistance – enabling delicate and fine focus adjustments which can be made over a 300-degree rotation angle. Cinematographers can rely on dependable framing when composing shots as the lenses control focus breathing, combating the perspective variation that sometimes arise when refocusing to another subject.

Additional information, please contact Product Intelligence Professional Olli Turtiainen, olli.turtiainen@canon.fi, tel. +358 40 7716226

* Sumire (菫, すみれ, スミレ) is a feminine Japanese given name and the name of a delicate flower

**Although the seven lenses in the Sumire Prime series will come with a PL mount at first, it can be modified into EF and back to PL by a Canon Service & Repair Centre or Authorised Service Partner



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Olli Turtiainen

Olli Turtiainen

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Product Intelligence Professional Tuotteet, lehdistö, koulutukset +358 40 771 6226
Teija Tamminen-Saremaa

Teija Tamminen-Saremaa

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Communications Professional PR, viestintä, sosiaalinen media +358 40 717 5604
Canon Oy

Huopalahdentie 24
00350 Helsinki

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