BearingPoint starts extensive cooperation with Wayra, the start-up and innovation hub of Telefónica

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BearingPoint starts extensive cooperation with Wayra, the start-up and innovation hub of Telefónica

Helsinki, February 6, 2019– Management and technology consultancy BearingPoint has signed a cooperation agreement with Wayra, Telefónica’s open innovation hub. With 11 hubs in 10 different countries and business development support throughout the world, the cooperation with Wayra enables BearingPoint to create added value for its clients by involving innovative start-ups in projects. The cooperation also gives BearingPoint’s Ventures unit the opportunity to explore investment potential with many new start-ups, especially those using and advancing artificial intelligence.

With the cooperation, BearingPoint will also bolster the “Be an Innovator Student” initiative, its idea contest for students in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Romania. Furthermore, it will accelerate its internal innovation and venture activities and support internal start-ups in their go-to-market preparation.

“The cooperation with Wayra is part of our innovation strategy,” said Kiumars Hamidian, Managing Partner at BearingPoint. “Wayra is where the market is heading and a good match with our corporate culture. Innovation is what keeps us and our clients ahead of the competition. We are not only expanding our active participation in the start-up community, particularly in the area of artificial intelligence, but the cooperation also supports our services in the telecommunications industry and beyond.”

Christian Lindener, CEO Wayra Germany, adds: “With BearingPoint we have not only found a partner who shares our mindset that start-ups are a fundamental pillar in the digital transformation strategy at any corporate and SME, but also shares our passion of perpetual reinvention. BearingPoint opens up vast opportunities for our start-ups to gain access to top tier industry clients.”

About Wayra

We are Wayra - Wayra is the world’s most global, connected and technological open innovation hub. Wayra connects Telefónica and technological disruptors around the world. As their preferred strategic partner, it will scale them up to accelerate both businesses. Since Wayra believes that corporates must evolve by standing shoulder to shoulder with entrepreneurs, the very best start-ups within its portfolios will have unparalleled access to a global network of 350 million customers and clients in 24 countries. To find out more about Wayra, please visit https://de.wayra.co/.




BearingPoint on riippumaton johdon ja teknologian konsultointiyritys eurooppalaisilla juurilla ja globaalilla ulottuvuudella. Yhtiöllä on kolme yksikköä: Consulting, Solutions ja Ventures. Consulting kattaa neuvoa-antavan liiketoiminnan; Solutions tarjoaa työkalut onnistuneeseen digitaaliseen transformaatioon, regulatiiviseen teknologiaan ja edistykselliseen analytiikkaan; Ventures keskittyy start-upien rahoittamiseen ja kehittämiseen. BearingPointin asiakkaisiin kuuluu monia maailman johtavia yrityksiä ja organisaatioita. Yrityksellä on maailmanlaajuinen konsultointiverkosto, johon kuuluu yli 10 000 henkilöä ja joka tukee asiakkaita yli 75 maassa, mikä sitouttaa heidät saavuttamaan mitattavissa olevaa ja kestävää menestystä.


Mika Niemelä

Mika Niemelä

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Partner Managing Partner, Finland

Management and Technology Consultants

BearingPoint is an independent management and technology consultancy with a global consulting network of more than 10,000 people that supports clients in more than 75 countries.

BearingPoint Finland

Bulevardi 6 A 12
FI-00120 Helsinki

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