BearingPoint elects Kiumars Hamidian to be the next Managing Partner of the firm

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BearingPoint elects Kiumars Hamidian to be the next Managing Partner of the firm

Effective September 1, 2018, Kiumars Hamidian will succeed Peter Mockler as Managing Partner of BearingPoint. Until then, Peter Mockler, who has been Managing Partner since 2009, will continue to manage the business.

Helsinki, June 7, 2018 – With the term of its Managing Partner coming to an end, the partnership of management and technology consultancy BearingPoint has elected Kiumars Hamidian to be its next Managing Partner effective September 1, 2018. He will succeed Peter Mockler, who did not stand for re-election after three terms in office.

Kiumars Hamidian has been with the company for 22 years, and since 2002 as a Partner. In 2016, he was appointed to the firm-wide Management Committee. He is also Global Leader Service Lines, Regional Leader GCR (Germany, Czech Republic, Romania) and responsible for BearingPoint's innovation processes and venture activities. After completing a master’s in industrial economics, Kiumars started working as a consultant in 1993.

“I am honored to be entrusted to lead this independent firm and am fully committed to the long-term success of our clients and the partnership,” said Kiumars Hamidian. “We have extraordinary people and a very strong portfolio driven by the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship. All of this will help me to guide the firm to the next level. We will go further with our mission of enabling European companies to become global leaders,” the Managing Partner-elect added.

“Congratulations to Kiumars Hamidian! With his election as Managing Partner, we are introducing a generational change in the company. We have been preparing for this change for years,” said Peter Mockler. “The process is well on schedule and I am confident that the independence of the firm and the foundational principles that made us great will be maintained by the new management team: one firm – one partnership, one Partner – one vote, with the spirit of stewardship at the core of everything we do.”

Peter Mockler, Managing Partner at BearingPoint since 2009, was in charge of BearingPoint's successful management buy-out process. Since then, the company has grown steadily: revenues rose from €441 million (2009) to €712 million (2017), and the number of employees increased from 3,140 to 4,343.



BearingPoint on riippumaton johdon ja teknologian konsultointiyritys eurooppalaisilla juurilla ja globaalilla ulottuvuudella. Yhtiöllä on kolme yksikköä: Consulting, Solutions ja Ventures. Consulting kattaa neuvoa-antavan liiketoiminnan; Solutions tarjoaa työkalut onnistuneeseen digitaaliseen transformaatioon, regulatiiviseen teknologiaan ja edistykselliseen analytiikkaan; Ventures keskittyy start-upien rahoittamiseen ja kehittämiseen. BearingPointin asiakkaisiin kuuluu monia maailman johtavia yrityksiä ja organisaatioita. Yrityksellä on maailmanlaajuinen konsultointiverkosto, johon kuuluu yli 10 000 henkilöä ja joka tukee asiakkaita yli 75 maassa, mikä sitouttaa heidät saavuttamaan mitattavissa olevaa ja kestävää menestystä.


Mika Niemelä

Mika Niemelä

Lehdistön yhteyshenkilö Partner Managing Partner, Finland

Management and Technology Consultants

BearingPoint is an independent management and technology consultancy with a global consulting network of more than 10,000 people that supports clients in more than 75 countries.

BearingPoint Finland

Bulevardi 6 A 12
FI-00120 Helsinki

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