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Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies on The HISTORY Channel
Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies on The HISTORY Channel

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Tuesdays from 25 January at 22:00

Rick, Marty, and the Oak Island team are back, bringing with them more determination, resources and technology than ever in their quest to solve the 224-year old treasure mystery.

For centuries, eager treasure hunters have longed to discover what lies beneath Oak Island. Is it a pirate treasure or a Viking horde? An ancient Fort Knox or even a lost Biblical relic like the Ark of the Covenant? No one knows, and anyone who has tried to find out has encountered an unexpected problem -- booby-traps. Someone went to great measures to hide whatever is there, because as soon as you dig down a few feet, seawater from various hidden, man-made channels floods the hole.

Enter the Lagina brothers from Michigan. Older brother Rick is obsessed with decoding the secrets, so his little brother and Texas oilman, Marty, spent a fortune to buy access to the island. This summer, they'll use their deep pockets to dig and deploy technology like never before. This could be it, but there will be obstacles. There is an old prophecy known as The Curse of Oak Island which says that "7 will die before the treasure is found." The Laginas are fully aware of the death toll so far...6. (26x60”) Part of Mystery Season


Thursdays from 20 January at 22:00

Do aliens really exist? This question has caused debate and controversy among humans for centuries.

Each episode of Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies sees BBC 6 Music Radio DJ and Red Dwarf actor Craig Charles, and world renowned astrophysicist Sarah Cruddas, tackle major UFO sightings in the specially created ‘Investigation Hub’, sifting through a range of evidence to determine whether there is an earthly explanation for it or whether it is beyond the reach of conventionally understood science.

Acting as a latter-day Mulder and Scully, Charles and Cruddas investigate notorious cases including: the US Defense Department’s leaked footage of unidentified aerial vehicles buzzing around US warships off the coast of California in 2004; the spectacular Phoenix Lights phenomenon in Arizona, and the notorious Alan Godfrey UFO sighting over Todmorden in Yorkshire, UK.

Told through extraordinary archive footage and interviews with the key players and the world’s leading experts, Craig Charles: UFO Conspiracies will lead the viewer inside some of the most unbelievable sightings ever. Scientifically examined like never before, this series will answer the question: are we really alone? (10x60”) Part of Mystery Season


Tuesdays from 18 January from 21:00

The Proof is Out There investigates the world’s most mysterious videos, photos, and audio recordings, and uses the best technology and experts to render a credible verdict. Each episode analyzes and passes verdicts on several seemingly impossible things “caught on film,” including giant beasts, UFOS, apocalyptic sounds, hairy humans, alleged mutants from the deep, conspiracies, and many other cases. Host and veteran journalist Tony Harris takes (20x30).



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