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Lost Relic Hunters on The HISTORY Channel
Lost Relic Hunters on The HISTORY Channel

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Tuesdays from 28 September at 21:00

Following on from the hugely successful Lost Relics of the Knights Templar, the new series once again follows the work of one of the world’s most prolific collectors of antiquities, Hamilton White, and his long-time friend and business partner, Carl Cookson.

The intrepid duo are back on the trail of some truly astonishing relics and historical pieces, which, if authenticated, will potentially change our understanding of some of the most iconic periods of British and European history. Now aided in their adventures by cultural and art historian Dr Janina Ramirez, Lost Relic Hunters sees Carl and Hamilton journey to Venice, Istanbul, Jerusalem and Western Europe, in an attempt to authenticate rare and precious antiquities from Hamilton’s collection. (5x60”)


Friday 10 September at 21:00

Tracks the ten-year effort to find Osama bin Laden, the man responsible for the 9/11 attacks and the leader of the terrorist group al-Qaeda. Based on the 9/11 Memorial & Museum's unprecedented access to American intelligence and military personnel, the film recounts how President Barack Obama ordered a small group of Navy SEALs to raid a mysterious building in Pakistan, without ever being sure that bin Laden was there.

Featuring interviews with President Obama, CIA Director Leon Panetta, mission commander Admiral William McRaven, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and, for the first time, clandestine military planners, intelligence analysts, members of the assault force, and more, the film reveals the risks and tensions of a mission whose purpose was clear, but whose outcome was never certain.

Other shows to mark the 20thanniversary of 9/11 include: Rise and Fall: The World Trade Center (11/09 at 21:00), 9/11 The Pentagon (12/09 at 21:00) & 9/11 The Final Minutes of Flight 93 (12/09 at 22:00)


Mondays from the 20 September from 21:00

Storage unit auctions are the newest and biggest untapped source for hidden treasures, and opportunistic individuals bid on unclaimed properties hoping to strike gold. Welcome to Storage Wars.

In this character driven treasure hunt, bidders range from twenty something's out for fun and adventure - willing to say or do anything to win - to husband & wife teams looking to make fast and large cash....and all are prepared to create quite the drama in the process. It's a dramatic environment as the bidders assess if they think the unit is worth a bid... and how high they will actually go. In each self-contained episode of Storage Wars, our cast of characters head to storage units and wait anxiously for the big reveal of what is behind the door. S13 (30x30)


Continues Wednesdays at 21:00

Stephen Hawking once said, "Where there is life, there is hope." Is there really life on other planets? And if so how long has it been there for? Ancient Aliens examines 75 million years of the most credible alien evidence here on Earth: from the age of the dinosaurs, to ancient Egypt, to the skies over the western desert in the present day US, ancient cave drawings of strange creatures, an asphalt-like substance in an Egyptian pyramid made from the remains of unidentified creatures, continued mass sightings in the USA.

Presented by alien expert Giorgio A. Tsoukalos. S12B (10x60)

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