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Great Escapes with Morgan Freeman on The HISTORY Channel
Great Escapes with Morgan Freeman on The HISTORY Channel

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Mondays from 7 March from 22.00

The HISTORY Channel hit series Pawn Stars is back with brand new episodes. The show brings viewers inside the doors of a family-run pawnshop in Las Vegas where the Harrison family have jointly run the business with clashing and camaraderie every step of the way. This family lives and breathes the pawning business, using their sharp-eyed skills to carefully assess the value of items their colourful customers bring in, objects ranging from the obscure to the truly historic. It’s up to them to determine what’s real and what’s fake, as they reveal the often surprising answer to the questions on everyone’s mind, ‘What’s the story behind it?’ and ‘What’s it worth?’ (13x60”)


Mondays from 14 March at 21.00

Famous jailbreaks are the stuff of legend as their true stories are often untold. Now, with dramatic recreations, dynamic storytelling and cutting-edge visual effects, escapes from prisons like Alcatraz will come to life in graphic detail in the new nonfiction series Great Escapes with Morgan Freeman. Hosted by Academy Award® winner Morgan Freeman, each episode will unearth every step of an inmates meticulous plan, the escape route and the intense manhunt that immediately followed. (8x60)


Thursdays from 24 March at 21.00

Abandoned Engineering Season Two expands the successful series format as it seeks out examples of incredible engineering that have somehow fallen into disuse. We once again travel the world and hear fascinating comments from a specially assembled team of panelists plus the best on-site experts at each location. (16x60)


Wednesdays from 30 March at 23.00

Professor Alice Roberts reveals how scientists are unearthing the evidence for cataclysmic events in the past and their disastrous consequences. From wars to earthquakes and floods to famines – these are the events that have helped shape our modern world. In each episode, Alice takes viewers on a journey across Europe and North Africa to discover epic sites and landmarks - fabulous cities abandoned, battlefields long forgotten and sophisticated civilisations toppled and lost to the mists of time. To our ancient ancestors, suffering these catastrophic events, it must have seemed they were cursed but science is now exploding those myths and re-writing history (5x60)

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A+E Networks UK on Hearst ja Sky -yhtiöiden yhteisyritys. Televisioyhtiö lähettää laadukkaita, mullistavia fakta- ja viihdekanavia kuten HISTORY®, Lifetime®, Crime + Investigation®, HISTORY2™ ja BLAZE®. A+E Networks UK aloitti toimintansa marraskuussa 1995, ja yhtiöllä on kanavia lähes 100 maassa halki Iso-Britannian, Pohjoismaiden, Benelux-maiden, Keski- ja Itä-Euroopan, Afrikan ja Lähi-Idän. Yhtiöllä on toimistot Lontoossa, Varsovassa ja Johannesburg.

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A+E Networks UK on televisioyhtiö, joka omistaa laadukkaita ja uraauurtavia fakta- ja viihdekanavia. Pohjoismaissa näitä kanavia ovat The HISTORY Channel, The HISTORY Channel HD, HISTORY2 ja HISTORY2 HD. Kanavilla ohjelmaa lähetetään ympäri vuorokauden ja kaikki ohjelmat on tekstitetty paikallisilla kielillä. Yhtiö on yhdysvaltalaisen A+E Networksin ja brittiläisen Sky:n yhteisprojekti, jolla on kanavia lähes 100 maassa halki Iso-Britannian, Pohjoismaiden, Benelux-maiden, Keski- ja Itä-Euroopan, Afrikan ja Lähi-Idän.

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