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Cities of the Underworld on The HISTORY Channel
Cities of the Underworld on The HISTORY Channel

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Wednesdays from 15 December at 21:00

In major cities around the world today, skyscrapers loom overhead, taxis honk their horns and street vendors peddle their wares. But below lies city upon city - each with its fascinating and unknown history. This series will explore these layers, which are often hundreds of feet deep, and examine a city's ancient cisterns, dank dungeons, eerie tombs, clandestine hideouts, and even underground shipwrecks that have been lost for hundreds and hundreds of years.

What are the underground layers of the most populated cities on earth? And how did (and do) engineers build layer upon layer up to today's city streets? This series will reveal the technological marvels that allowed the construction of one city upon another - literally.


Mondays from 27 December at 23:00

In the third series of the The Hunt For The Baltic Gold, we return to the heroes we already know from previous seasons. How did their fate go?

Krzysiek and the team found a new plot to dig - will this location be happier? After winning the Guinness Record for the largest amber sculpture - Tytanic(the largest Amber Titanic), he faces increasingly serious challenges. Benedict said goodbye to the HEL-6 cutter, now its crew is sailing in a new vessel, crossing the waters of the Gdańsk Bay. Our group is joined by Przemek- an expert on the Baltic seabed, a diver servicing small vessels, looking for broken anchors and amber!

Our camera accompanies the seekers on land during the excavation of the plot at Krzysiek's, at night on the seashore while Tomek and the team fish, in the workshops of seasoned amber craftsmen, on the new boat, skipper Benedykt, WLA-33, and - this season - also under water! Together with the new hero - Przemek, a diver exploring the Baltic seabed, who crosses the sea depths with a laser beam to reach where none of the explorers has yet dared.


Every Sunday from 5 December at 22:00

Almost all of us have eaten a TV dinner, ice cream on a stick, or ordered a hamburger from McDonald’s and Burger King. However, few of us know the story behind these immensely popular foods and their creators. Before they were brand names, they were brilliant, sometimes ruthless, visionaries who revolutionised food and changed the landscape of the world forever. This miniseries tells the fascinating stories of the people behind the food that built the world – those who used brains, muscle, blood, sweat and tears to get to the public’s heart through its stomach, and along the way built cities, invented new technologies and helped win wars.


Continues Tuesdays at 21:00

Each day, modern engineering keeps us safe within giant planes, across enormous bridges, and inside gigantic skyscrapers. But what happens when making one of these monstrosities doesn’t go as planned? Learn why the bigger they are, the harder they fall as scientists and engineers discuss disaster stories of trains, dams, buildings, boats, and more. (6x60)

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