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The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters on The HISTORY Channel
The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters on The HISTORY Channel

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Thursdays from 15 February at 21:00

The Bermuda Triangle is the most notorious stretch of ocean in history, evoking fear and endless fascination. Bounded by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, these waters have swallowed countless ships and planes and their crews, some vanishing without a trace. In 1945, five U.S.

Navy planes disappeared on the same night, along with a search and rescue plane dispatched to find them. No wreckage was ever found. Reporters dug up accounts of other missing planes and ships, and stories of strange phenomena date back to the voyages of Columbus.

Now, an elite team investigates the Bermuda Triangle with the aid of a secret weapon-- a map, decades in the making, marking the location of unidentified undersea wrecks and anomalies.

S2 (12x60)


Mondays from 12 February at 21:00

Pawn Stars are hitting the road again to visit some of America’s most exciting places, making stops from Florida to Minnesota, in search of historical finds and impressive collectible objects. This series follows Rick Harrison, Corey Harrison and Austin ‘Chumlee’ Russell as they step out of the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas to connect with fans in cities and towns across the US and acquire some of the most remarkable items imaginable. A few of the extraordinary items featured on the show include Steve McQueen’s motorcycle, a rare Gretsch White Penguin guitar, a “Wonder Man” coming signed by the legendary Stan Lee, an impressive trilobite fossil collection and much more.

S2 (16x60)



Tuesday 6 February at 21:00

In our undisputed place at the top of the food chain it's easy for humans to be lulled into a false sense of security. But when the forces of nature are against us, we soon realise we are all at the mercy of our earth.

In recent years the destructive power of natural disasters have been recorded - from Hurricane Katrina to the earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan. Now Serial Killer Earth brings together a top team of experts to examine the most compelling footage, from news and home videos, as well as testimonies from eyewitnesses. Each episode will explain to viewers what actually happened during these disasters, and how they compare with the most historic natural disasters of the past.


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Joanna Fellows

Joanna Fellows

Marketing Manager +44 7583 022 665

Bringing human stories to life!

A+E Networks UK on televisioyhtiö, joka omistaa laadukkaita ja uraauurtavia fakta- ja viihdekanavia. Pohjoismaissa näitä kanavia ovat The HISTORY Channel, The HISTORY Channel HD, HISTORY2 ja HISTORY2 HD. Kanavilla ohjelmaa lähetetään ympäri vuorokauden ja kaikki ohjelmat on tekstitetty paikallisilla kielillä. Yhtiö on yhdysvaltalaisen A+E Networksin ja brittiläisen Sky:n yhteisprojekti, jolla on kanavia lähes 100 maassa halki Iso-Britannian, Pohjoismaiden, Benelux-maiden, Keski- ja Itä-Euroopan, Afrikan ja Lähi-Idän.

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