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Forged in Fire on HISTORY Channel
Forged in Fire on HISTORY Channel

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Mondays from 7 February from 20.05

There will be new weapons and contestants every week, and stunning tests of their creations. In each stand-alone episode, four new contestants battle it out in a quest to prove they can build a particular weapon better than anyone else--and they're doing it by hand. This is the show that turns the craftsmanship, legend and excitement of weapons-building into an against-the-clock battle of wits, resourcefulness, and ingenuity. Contestants compete over a series of elimination challenges using the "garage" of tools provided. Each challenge centers on fabricating a component of the overall weapon. Judged by an esteemed panel of unimpeachable weapons experts, the race to create the episode's weapon of choice is a journey through weapon history under Mission Impossible time constraints with an explosive finale. The winner leaves with $10,000 cash and the coveted title of "Forged in Fire Champion". (13x60)


Wednesdays from 2 February at 21.00

The HISTORY Channel’s hit series ANCIENT ALIENS returns in its continued global search for proof that extraterrestrial life exists and that these unknown lifeforms visited Earth thousands of years ago. If aliens are among us, how have they impacted our world and how will people react to this discovery? From recent breaking news on the U.S. government's funding of UFO research to recently discovered hidden facts behind chambers in Egypt's Great Pyramid, each new episode covers various alien-related topics with historic detail, first-hand accounts and interviews with the world's top scientists, archaeologists and researchers. Lead expert Giorgio Tsoukalos joins Ancient Astronaut theorist, David Hatcher Childress, William Henry, Linda Moulton Howe, Erich von Daniken and many others being interviewed, as this season travels to over a dozen countries to explore firsthand signs of ancient alien visitation. (6x60)


Continues Thursdays at 22.00

Do aliens really exist? This question has caused debate and controversy among humans for centuries. From Roswell to Suffolk’s Rendlesham Forest, the number of sightings is currently flying at an all-time high. This gripping new series will tap into these mysterious recent events in a whole new way. With amazing never before seen conspiracies, for the first time this epic series will subject footage and accounts of alien contact to detailed forensic scrutiny to discover whether there really is something out there. With a unique USP of a specially created Investigation Hub with a pool of leading experts and two roving reporters on the ground. We’ll interview military experts explaining for the first time what these UFOs are in our skies; have first on camera interviews from navy pilots; explore clandestine government programmes, see never before seen videos and be there as archive is opened for the first time. Told through extraordinary archive footage and interviews with the key players and the world’s leading experts, UFO Conspiracies will lead the viewer inside some of the most unbelievable sightings ever. Scientifically examined like never before this series will answer the question: are we really alone? (20x10)

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