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William Shatner Meets Ancient Aliens (part of Summer of Secrets) on The HISTORY Channel
William Shatner Meets Ancient Aliens (part of Summer of Secrets) on The HISTORY Channel

Press release -



Wednesday 11 August at 21:00

In this two-hour special, William Shatner asks thought-provoking questions to the Ancient Aliens presenters including fan-favourite Giorgio Tsoukalos. Shatner is joined by experts including former British Ministry of Defence investigator Nick Pope to explore everything from human origins and ground-breaking archaeological finds to new understandings of the cosmos and the strong possibility that humans are not alone in the universe.

Ancient Aliens S12b will air from Wednesday 18th August at 21:00

Part of Summer of Secrets weeknights from 21:00. (1x120) & S12B (10x60)


Continues Tuesdays at 21:00

From the producers of ‘Ancient Aliens’ and ‘The Curse of Oak Island’, ‘The UnXplained with William Shatner’ on The HISTORY Channel explores the world’s most fascinating, strange and inexplicable mysteries.

Have you ever wondered how people survive the seemingly un-survivable? Or why the brain is even more powerful than we’ve dared to realise, with a whole range of sensory abilities and skills which we are only just beginning to tap into?

Join William Shatner (pictured) on his journey into the strange and fascinating.

Part of Summer of Secrets weeknights from 21:00. S2B (10x60)


Continues Thursdays at 21:00

Hosted by film and television star Lance Reddick, ‘Book of Secrets with Lance Reddick’ is a new series that asks the question: ‘What if there is a book that serves as a repository for America’s most closely guarded secrets?’

The USA’s story can be told in many ways. While much of the history of the country is well documented and widely available, there is another deeper history, one that has been shrouded in secrecy and hidden from public view; these are the stories that HISTORY will reveal.

Part of Summer of Secrets weeknights from 21:00. (10x60)


Wednesdays from 18 August at 22:00

Meet the Mountain Men; they live their lives off the grid and off the land. Hunting and trapping is the only way the Mountain Men can provide for their families and survive the freezing winters from Appalachia to the Rocky Mountains.

Using ancient skills perfected over hundreds of years Mountain Men make use of anything and everything nature provides. We meet a variety of men who have chosen a more ‘truthful’ way of life, come this way to the meet the Mountain Men. S9b/S10 (4x60 & 10x120)

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