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Lost Relics of the Knights Templar - The Hoard
Lost Relics of the Knights Templar - The Hoard

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Join HISTORY® in uncovering potentially one of the most incredible treasure hauls of all time.

Lost Relics of the Knights Templar follows one of the world’s most prolific yet unknown treasure hunters, Hamilton White, and his long-time friend, Carl Cookson, as they trace the origin of an amazing hoard of relics – believed to have belonged to the legendary Knights Templar.

Until today, no major items belonging to the Knights Templar – the medieval Special Forces of Christendom, made famous by The Crusades – have ever been recovered. However, Hamilton and Carl believe they have at last discovered what everyone else has been looking for – a treasure trove of artifacts which reveal who the Templars were, how they worshiped, and why they were targeted, imprisoned and wiped out by Papal decree in 1307.

With possible key Templar relics in their possession – a black obsidian chalice, a Templar sword, an alabaster libation vessel, and an iron reliquary box – the duo travel all over Europe and the Middle East to trace the origins of their treasure.

Hamilton has operated in virtual anonymity for more than 30 years but is now breaking cover for the first time with property tycoon, Carl, to reveal the secrets of his multimillion-pound treasure hunting business.

Alongside Hamilton and Carl’s journey, the story of the Templars will be told by historians, including presenter and best-selling author of ‘The Templars: The Rise and Spectacular Fall of God’s Holy Warriors’, Dan Jones.

The series will follow Hamilton and Carl as they seek to establish the provenance of each relic from one of the most secretive organisations in history before they reveal the hoard to the world.

Historian Dan Jones said: “The Templars were one of the most famous, and notorious, organisations in western history. They emerged from the crusades and amassed huge wealth and property across Europe.

“When they were wiped out between 1307 and 1312 most of their riches were either stolen or destroyed. People have been searching for Templar ‘treasure’ – real and imaginary – for generations, generally without finding very much. Hamilton and Carl have some intriguing finds and it's going to be exciting to see what they discover.”

Lost Relics of the Knights Templar (5x1) premieres on HISTORY® Wednesday 22nd April at 22.00.




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