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This is the true story of love kept alive despite the brutality of the Second World War.With the world commemorating the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings on Thursday 6th June, HISTORY® presents a new podcast series based on intimate and remarkable wartime correspondence between a newly wedded couple from Sheffield.

Letters of Love in WW2 (8x30mins), starring award-winning presenter, writer and musician Johny Pitts and actor Amy Nuttall (Emmerdale, Downton Abbey), is the brand new eight-part audio podcast series from TV channel HISTORY®, revealing the remarkable true story of a separated couple’s war through their real-life love letters.

Three months after they wed, Cyril and Olga Mowforth who were based in Sheffield, UK, found themselves separated by the Second World War. The first six years of their marriage lived through hand-written correspondence; kept alive on the pages of a thousand letters and postcards.

These letters were over 60 years later by their family and now the touching story can be realised through this podcast.

Each episode follows a back-and-forth between Cyril (played by Johnny Pitts) and Olga (played by Amy Nuttall) which gives an insight into key periods of the war from 1940 to 1946, including El Alamein, D-Day and the liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

With the delay in post-delivery and some letters never making it to their destination, we hear the couple’s frustration as a brave, tenacious and emotive story unfolds over six years of the most ferocious war that humanity has ever seen.

Each episode features exclusive interviews with Cyril and Olga’s family, including their son, daughter and grandchildren, allowing for emotional reactions to what they went through while also reflecting on the relevance of this story for the modern day.....



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