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Topics: Annual-and-interim-reports

Falck acquires leading provider of online healthcare

Falck acquires leading provider of online healthcare

Falck expands its position within telemedicine with the acquisition of Hejdoktor, a leader in online healthcare in Denmark. The acquisition is part of the global healthcare company's long-term strategy to disseminate more digital health solutions that prevent hospitalisations and increase access to health.

Falck purchases option for first JA1 Pulse aircraft from Jump Aero in California

Falck purchases option for first JA1 Pulse aircraft from Jump Aero in California

Falck, a global healthcare and emergency services company, has purchased an option for the first commercial delivery of Jump Aero’s eVTOL JA1 Pulse aircraft - designed to help pi-lot-paramedics to a heart attack or stroke victim within the few crucial minutes.
The electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft technology has the potential to transform the way healthcare and emergency s

Quick access to psychological first aid to bystanders

Quick access to psychological first aid to bystanders

When serious accidents occur, it is not only the injured persons who are affected. Often, the experience also deeply affects family, friends, acquaintances or bystanders. Witnessing an accident can have serious mental consequences for bystanders and relatives, so it is important that they get the right help quickly to prevent prolonged illness. At Falck, psychologists, paramedics and innovators ha

Health Drones advance healthcare in Greenland

Health Drones advance healthcare in Greenland

Today, Falck completed first health drone flight between Nuuk and the settlements in Sermersooq. The infrastructure in Greenland can be a challenge if you live in small settlements far away from the nearest hospital. Falck and the Greenlandic authorities are exploring how health drones can support the healthcare system by bringing remote-living citizens closer to healthcare service

Dronefoto: Vagn Bach

Falck starts flying drones in Greenland

Falck and the Greenlandic health service will test the use of drones to transport medicine and diagnostic samples between towns and settlements. The intention of the project is to investigate how drones can strengthen health efforts in the settlements, where infrastructure is a challenge, and the nearest hospital is far away.

Falck sets up new development unit

Falck sets up new development unit

Falck has innovated ambulances and healthcare services for over a hundred years - A new development unit will now give a further boost to the healthcare company's innovation in the healthcare area, where Falck will strengthen emergency and healthcare solutions through innovation, drones, artificial intelligence and a greener transformation.
Falck's new development unit, Vertical, will work clos

Falck divests its Roadside Assistance business in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania.

Falck divests its Roadside Assistance business in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania.

As part of a long-term strategy to develop into an integrated healthcare service provider, Falck has today sold its Roadside Assistance (RSA) business in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania to Gjensidige Forsikring in Norway. The transaction does not include Falck’s RSA activities in Denmark.
After more than 70 years’ history of operating Roadside Assistance in Norway and Sweden

Falck selected by Airbus as fire safety partner

Falck selected by Airbus as fire safety partner

Falck has been selected by Airbus to deliver industrial fire and emergency services to Airbus sites across France, Germany, and the UK.
October 1, 2021 Falck began delivering industrial fire and emergency services to Airbus, a leading aircraft manufacturer. On various sites spread across France, Germany, and the United Kingdom firefighters from Falck will ensure rapid response, prevention and m

Falck improved Q3 results

Falck improved Q3 results

Falck reported an increase in revenue and EBITA in Q3 2021.
President and CEO Jakob Riis said: “Once again our quarterly results were boosted by testing activities in Denmark, but with considerably less impact than seen in the second quarter. In the underlying business, we see activity levels coming back. With increased activity levels, start of new contracts and the launch of new services, Fal

Falck delivers strong Q2 results

Falck delivers strong Q2 results

All Falck’s business areas showed solid progress in Q2 2021. COVID-19 antigen testing in Denmark boosted revenue and earnings significantly. Adjusted for the impact of testing activities, EBITA increased by 56.1%.
President and CEO Jakob Riis said: “Falck has recovered strongly following a year defined by COVID-19. Our Q2 results were lifted significantly by the high number of antigen tests per

Falck wins emergency ambulance contract in San  Diego

Falck wins emergency ambulance contract in San Diego

Falck US Ambulance Services will provide emergency ambulance services to the city of San Diego in California for the next five years. The contract has now formally been approved by the city council and Mayor Todd Gloria.
From 28 November 2021, 1.4 million people in San Diego will receive ambulance services from Falck. The five-year contract has now been formally approved by the city council and

Falck met the challenge of COVID-19

Falck met the challenge of COVID-19

Lower activity levels led to a decrease in revenue and operating profit. A range of cost saving initiatives had the desired effect, and profitability was restored at the end of the year. Operationally, Falck delivered a strong performance.

Falck wins contracts in the Central Denmark Region

Falck wins contracts in the Central Denmark Region

Falck continues as supplier of emergency medical services in the Central Denmark Region when the present tender period expires in November 2021. Today, Falck won three out of three tendered lots in competition with two other private suppliers. Falck will provide more than 40 ambulances to the Region.

Falck stabilised its financial performance  and delivered a solid third quarter

Falck stabilised its financial performance and delivered a solid third quarter

​Falck’s financial performance improved in the third quarter of 2020. Efficiency measures taken in June 2020 and lower start-up costs in the Ambulance business led to improved profitability and an EBITA margin of 6.6%. Operationally, Falck delivered a strong performance in all markets, supporting national healthcare systems under pressure.

Falck with new ambition: Paramedics in manned drones to save more lives

Falck with new ambition: Paramedics in manned drones to save more lives

​Falck will make manned drones an integral part of its fire and emergency medical services. Before 2025, the first citizens will be met by paramedics flying in drones. The technology is rapidly evolving. Next phase will be to gain concrete experience of how drones may be used in specific situations and to adjust legislation to allow drones to become part of everyday life.

​Falck wins International Design Excellence Award

​Falck wins International Design Excellence Award

Falck is delighted to announce that we have won an International Design Excellence Award (IDEA) for our Global Innovation Strategy, which will set the direction for our future innovation projects.

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Welcome to Falck Global!

For more than a century, Falck has worked with local and national governments to prevent accidents, diseases and emergency situations, to rescue and assist people in emergencies quickly and competently and to rehabilitate people after illness or injury. This has made Falck an international leader in emergency response and healthcare services.

Falck operates in 30 countries and has approximately 27,000 employees.

Falck Global

Sydhavnsgade 18
2450 Copenhagen SV

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