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Security update and awareness to the psychological effects after terror attack

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Security update and awareness to the psychological effects after terror attack

Since the terror attack in Nice, Falck has followed the situation in France closely and we continue to evaluate the situation. The need for assistance and emergency counselling is now decreasing.

Falck Global Assistance has already assisted several people in Nice with guidance and advice. The assistance has mainly revolved around coordination of transportation out of Nice, security, medical and psychological assistance.

The next couple of days many travellers will return to their home countries. In the time to come, it is very important to know the reactions that may occur upon a dramatic incident.

Security update

After the attack in Nice, 84 people has been confirmed dead. Around 202 people were injured of which 52 people are critical and 25 are on life support. The death toll is expected to rise in the coming days.

Latest update is that five people have been arrested by the police, including the driver’s wife.

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attack, yet it has still not been officially confirmed that the driver had any ties to Islamic State. French authorities are investigating the attack.

Policy and military have been highly visible in Nice this Saturday and soldiers are patrolling in front of the main train station Gare de Nice de Ville.

The state of emergency that the country has been in since the attack in Paris has been extended by three months and the next three days has been declared days of mourning all over the country.

Psychological reactions may occur after return

Travellers who have been experiencing the attack or otherwise been affected by it, can experience delayed symptoms of stress. Travellers are advised to contact their insurance company regarding coverage and psychological debriefing.

“It is perfectly normal that people react to what they have experienced. This is a step in the process of understanding what has happened. You may behave differently; more prone to crying, more irritable or restless. Use your family and friends and share with them your thoughts and feelings,” explains Jacob Vindbjerg Nissen, psychologist in Falck.

Travellers with children should talk to the child and make certain that he or she has not been affected by the experience. If you have been involved in or been close to the incident psychological support can be necessary. We are ready to help both children and adults through it with our experienced phycologists.

Advice on what to be aware of after return:

  • It is normal that a violent incidence will affect you. Family and friends may also notice that you behave differently than normal. It is therefore important to know the change - for both yourself and your surroundings.

  • Share thoughts and feelings with others. In the time after the incident, many feel the urge to talk through what has happened as a part of dealing with the situation. You may find it a relief to talk to others.

  • Most people are able to get through the difficult time by yourself, family and friends' help and gradually return to a normal life. However, some events may stick and hurt deeper and here you might find that talking with a professional specialist can be a good and necessary complement to the help we give each other.

What do you need?

  • Make sure you have someone to talk to e.g. a person you have confidence in, so you can freely express your thoughts and feelings.

  • Try to maintain your usual routine. Go to work as soon as possible, but remember that your work capacity may be reduced in a period and that you may more rapidly feel tired.

  • Your reactions and emotions can be powerful, but is normal

Consider whether you need help:

  • Talk with someone close to you.

  • Find out what options are available and choose the one you think is best for you.

  • Give yourself the time you need to recover.

"Have you been involved in, or close to the incident, you may need psychological support. We help children and adults talk through the experience. Falck Global Assistance has phones open around the clock, where all customers have the opportunity to turn for advice and guidance in relation to the situation in Nice," says Jacob Vindbjerg Nissen.

Please contact Falck Global Assistance 24/7 emergency response centres for information and further advice.

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