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New Public-Private Partnership in the Netherlands

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New Public-Private Partnership in the Netherlands

Falck Fire Services and the Dutch public fire brigade plan to cooperate in a special Public-Private Partnership in the Netherlands.

On Wednesday the 10th of June, a letter of intent for a partnership between the Dutch public fire brigade and the industrial fire brigade of Falck Fire Services at Chemie Park Delfzijl was signed. The parties concerned are Groningen Safety Region, Chemie Park Delfzijl, the Municipality of Delfzijl and Falck Fire Services, which runs the company fire brigade at Chemie Park Delfzijl.

The parties concerned will explore closer cooperation between the Dutch public fire brigade and Falck Fire Services, and are joining forces to promote safety and strengthen the fire-fighting services in the nearby future.

This will result in a special Public-Private Partnership between the public fire brigade and the industrial fire brigade of Falck Fire Services. Moreover, the possibility of extending the coverage area to the industrial area of Oosterhorn, Delfzijl, is being looked at.

“The signing of the letter of intent to realise a public-private partnership was a milestone for us in respect of further strengthening our knowledge, expertise and competences with the aim of providing safe comprehensive fire-fighting services in the area of Oosterhorn”, says Joris van den Enden, Managing Director of Falck Fire Services NL.

A consequence of the partnership may be that a joint fire station is realised on the edge of the Chemie Park. This fire station will be manned 24/7 and equipped for the risks in the area. Falck Fire Services strives towards strong cooperation with stakeholders, staff and the community.

“This cooperation is a firm confirmation of the trust placed in us and it offers a basis for further professional cooperation with both public and private parties,” says Van den Enden.

Besides the personnel and material components of the fire station, the parties will jointly endeavour to provide content for the legal form of the cooperation, including decision-making, responsibilities and authorities. Other topics of conversation will concern the coverage area, the participation of other interested parties, response times and operational preparation, funding, (material) resources and communication.

Based on this cooperation, Van den Enden is convinced that it will be possible to deploy the service provided by Falck Fire Services more widely to the benefit of current and future companies in the Oosterhorn area.

“I am also extremely proud of my team and of what has been achieved and I am greatly looking forward to further cooperation in the future,” says Van den Enden.




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